Geopolitical – Week of 07.16.17

Forced To Sign Loyalty to Israel
YouTube | 24 March 2014
(2014) 535 members of congress…Gus Savage…AIPAC…

U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel
Intercept | 19 July 2017
Criminalization of political…

ACLU Letter to the Senate Opposing Israel Anti-Boycott Act
ACLU | 17 July 2017
(H.R. 1697/S. 720) The impacts of the legislation would…

The Imperial City’s Fiscal Waterloo
Daily Reckoning | 19 July 2017
Deep and structural…

Exxon sues US over Fine Levied for Russia Deal under Tillerson
Market Conservative | 21 July 2017
Weeks after Washington…

Sean Spicer Resigns
National Review | 21 July 2017
Anthony Scaramucci…

1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs Released for First Time
Sputnik News | 20 July2017
July 20, 1977…

Helicopter Carrying WWE Exec Makes Emergency Ocean Landing
SF Chronicle | 20 July 2017
Mother is Linda McMahon, who heads the Small Business…

FBI Turns over 7,000 Documents from Weiner Laptop in Clinton-tied Case
Fox News | 20 July 2017
Slow-rolling this are…

Trillions of Dollars in U.S. Military Spending Is Unaccounted-For. Tax Payers’ Money is Missing
Global Research | 20 July 2017
DOD’s IG, this goes on…

Tennessee Inmates Given Reduced Sentences in Exchange for Vasectomies, Birth Control
Breitbart | 20 July2017
32 women and 38 men…

Tax-Funded Anti-Poverty Groups Pay Their CEOs Huge Salaries
Daily Caller | 19 July 2017
Collectively spent millions on lobbying…

The New DOJ Guidelines on Asset Forfeiture are Obscene
Hot Air | 19 July 2017
State and local laws…

Documentation of US Dept of Defense admitting ‘losing’ $6.5 trillion
Washington’s Blog | 19 July 2017
Your .01% illegal rogue…

Catholics Ask Trump to Probe Soros-Obama-Clinton Conspiracy at Vatican
New American | 28 January 2017
Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly…

US and China Emerge from Trade Talks Without Agreement
Market Conservative | 20 July 2017
Cancelled scheduled…

Attorney General Sessions Brushes Off Trump Criticism
Reuters | 20 July 2017

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions
Bloomberg | 20 July 2017
Bank of Cyprus, where Wilbur Ross…

Trump Dismantling Obama Operation To Fund Radical Islam
Infowars | 20 July 2017
Policy of…

California Using Agenda ‘Research’ to Justify Gun Edicts
Oath Keepers | 19 July 2017
State and science collusion…

The Feds Just Expanded Civil Asset Forfeiture ‘Laws’ Nationwide
Zero Hedge | 19 July 2017
Taking more assets than…

Sen. John McCain Diagnosed with Brain Cancer
Washington Examiner | 19 July 2017
No timetable…

The World’s Largest Humanitarian Crisis Is Basically Being Blacked Out by Western Media
| 19 July 2017
fueling a conflict that
Syrian Cease-Fire Is a Baby Step Toward Peace
Bloomberg | 18 July 2017
By Jordan, Russia and…

Pentagon Study Declares American Empire is ‘Collapsing’
Blacklisted News | 17 July 2017
Strategic manipulation…flexible” U.S. military…

Child Sex Slave Trafficking Increases
Activist Post | 16 July 2017
Behind Texas…and California…

Points For “Good Behaviour”: Canadian Government Introduces the Creepiest App Ever
YouTube | 16 July 2017
Everyone seems totally…

White House Says Budget Deficit to be $99B Higher this Year
Associate Press | 15 July 2017
Scuttled White House claims…

Israel Rejects Cease-fire Deal Between U.S. And Russia In South Syria
Zero Hedge | 17 July 2017
Opposing what may be…

State Cites, Then Boots Formerly Homeless Man — For Living on Property He Owns
Activist Post | 17 July 2017
No state can describe it’s self as…

Nullification: Defending Liberty from Federal Tyranny
Tenth Amendment Center | 14 July 2017
Exercises a power no where delegated to the federal…

Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead In Miami
Your News Wire | 14 July 2017
To appear next Tuesday before the…

U.S. Farm Lobby Turns Up Heat on Trump Team as NAFTA Talks Near
Reuters | 14 July 2017
Mexico and Canada that now account for over…

Fernando Cortés: “Massive Mexican Immigration—a Business of Crooks”
YouTube | 31 May 2017
US is Mordor—the only place where the ring…

Daily Clout: We Make Legislation Understandable, Easy to Use, and Fun to Share
Daily Clout | 22 July2017
What’s our story?