Geopolitical – Week of 04.23.17

Former SEAL: Take Down The Pedophile Elite
Infowars | 30 April 2017
Attempt at documentary film has…

Donald Trump Blames Constitution for Chaos of His First 100 Days
The Guardian UK | 30 April 2017

That Pesky Constitution Again…

France’s Melenchon to serve as Le Pen’s Minister of Finance
The Saker | 30 April 2017
Nationalism Eroded…

It Is Becoming Illegal To Be Homeless In America As Houston, Dallas And Dozens Of Other Cities Pass Draconian Laws
The Economic Collapse | 30 April 2017

A Crime to be Homeless???

Pyongyang Slams Israel as ‘Disturber of Peace Armed with Illegal Nukes Under US Patronage’
RT | 30 April 2017
NK’s Take on Israel’s Nukes…

Empire Endgame: Digital Slave Population!

YouTube | 27 April 2017
The Game Plan….

Julian Assange Speaks Out: The War On The Truth

YouTube | 27 April 2017
We Need Heroes…

CIA’s Anti-Leaking Tool Leaked as ‘Whistleblowers Watch the Watchers’
RT | 29 April 2017
Not Enough Fingers for the Dike…

All the Plenary’s Men

YouTube | 28 April 2017
Inside Info is Out….

Hasan Minhaj COMPLETE REMARKS at 2017 White House Correspondents’ Dinner (C-SPAN)

YouTube | 29 April 2017
Satire with a Purpose…

Trump Campaign Chair Arrested For Child Sex Trafficking – #NewWorldNextWeek
Corbett Report | 27 April 2017
Corbett Report Updates…

Under Trump
Forward | 30 April 2017
Big Winner Emerges…

Netanyahu Thanks All 100 Senators for ‘Standing Up For Israel At UN’
Brietbart |30 April 2017
Conspicuous Gracious Thanks….

‘It’s Something That We’ve Looked At’: Priebus Says White House Considering Libel Law Changes
Mediate | 30 April 2017
Free Speech Threat Level Increase….

Here’s how Often Trump has Traveled in His First 100 Days Compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton
Business Insider| 30 April 2017
Presidential Travel Compared…

War On A Lake Of Death Will Prove That Men are Gods
Rense | 30April 2017
Dr. Strangelove on the High Seas…

“If You Take East-Syria, I’ll Take That Yemeni Port”
Moon of AL | 30 April 2017
Deals within Deals….

At UN Security Council Session Rex Tillerson Opens Door for Negotiations with North Korea
The Duran | 29 April 2017
Keeping Korea Divided…

Vault 7 Projects: Scribbles
WikiLeaks |28 April 2017
More Shoot the Messenger….

Sec Tillerson Makes Case to UN for Action Against N. Korea : “The United States Cannot Stand Idly By”
Zero Hedge | 28 April 2017

More War Plans…

Trump’s Executive Orders Are Mostly Theater
Politico | 28 April 2017
Rule by Executive Fiat….

MISOC: The U.S. Military’s Secret Brand of Fake News
Anti Media | 28 April 2017
MIC Psy-Ops in Our Everyday Lives…

Montenegro Parliament Ratifies NATO Membership After US Approval
RT |28 April 2017
NATO Mission Creep Eastward…

All 100 Senators Sign Letter Against U.N. Actions to Bring Israel to Account
Israel Palestine News | 28 April 2017
Zero Accountability….

Assad: Israel is Providing Weaponry & Logistic Support to Terrorists in Syria
Information Clearing House | 28 April 2017
From the Syrian POV….

Fur Your Eyes Only
CIA ‘Implanted Microphones into Cats in a Bizarre Attempt to Spy on Russia

The Sun | 28 April 2017
US Tax Dollars at Work..

Middle Eastern Surgeon Speaks About “Ecology of War”
Counter Punch | 28 April 2017
War’s Real Costs…

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Is About To Grow: Here’s What It Means

Corbett Report | 22 April 2017
BRICSA Expansion….

If I were King: Advice for President Trump
Amazon | 04 April 2017
The Fix….

US Vice Admiral Calls for Code of Conduct for Space
Voice of Asia | 29  April 2017
Regulating Off Planet Warfare…

Chicago O’Hare Security Chief Fired Weeks After United Flub
AP News | 28 April 2017
More Fall Out from the UA Scandal…

Political Media Earns Poor Marks From Americans
Morning Consult | 28 April 2017
Another MSM Black Eye…

WikiLeaks Reveals The “Snowden Stopper”: CIA Tool To Track Whistleblowers
Zero Hedge | 28 April 2017
Trying to Put the Court Back in the Bottle…

Jeff Rense & Catherine Austin Fitts – Is Blazing Nuclear War Imminent?

YouTube |25 April 2017
War w/o End Amen….

Wilkerson: Trump Attack on Syria Driven by Domestic Politics
Real News | 07 April 2017

Gain thereby, some…

Nearly Half of Americans Believe in a Deep State
ABC | 27 April 2017
See Story, ignore Video…

Formerly Imprisoned Journalist Barrett Brown Taken Back Into Custody Before PBS Interview
The Intercept | 27 April 2017
How Far We have Fallen…

Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China
Paul Craig Roberts | 27 April 2017
It’s called M.A.D. for a Reason…

How Bio-Weapons Led To Torture … And North Korean Nukes
Moon of AL | 27 April 2017
MIC Spins it’s Web…

Trump Agrees Not to Terminate NAFTA Treaty ‘at This Time,’ Will Attempt Renegotiation: White House
CNBC | 27  April 2017
Another Campaign Promise Attenuated…

U.S. and UK Both Drop in Latest ‘World Press Freedom Index’ Rankings
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 27 April 2017
More Erosion of Liberty…

Israel Strikes Iran-Supplied Arms Depot Near Damascus Airport
Swiss Info | 27 April 2017
Hostility Expansion….

US To Test Fire ICBM Tonight That Can Reach North Korea
Zero Hedge | 26 April 2017
Is There any Doubt it Can’t????

Senators Told North Korea Nuclear Threat Is Urgent
Free Beacon | 26 April 2017
N Korea in the Crosshairs…

Pentagon Expands Rebuke of Turkey Over Iraq, Syria Strikes
Washington Post | 26 April 2017
More NATO Malfunctions…

Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Statutory Prohibitions on Federal Control of Education
White House | 26 April 2017
Returning States’ Control…

CIA Chief Declares War on Truth
Reader Supported News | 26 April 2017
CIA Continues Long History of Deception…

Russian Senator Warns UK “Risks Being Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth”
Zero Hedge | 26 April 2017
Nobody Wins in Nuclear Horseshoes..

China Launches Aircraft Carrier, Boosting Military Presence
BBC | 26 April 2017
Huge Expenditure on Cold War Era Technology…

Russia Has Withdrawn Half Of Its Fighter Jet Group From Syria
Zero Hedge | 26 April 2017
Russian Pull Back…

Ousted Maltese Knight Returns in Defiance of Pope’s Wishes
Washington Post | 26 April 2017
Medieval Beginnings…

How Jeff Sessions Wants to Bring Back the War on Drugs
Washington Post | 09 April 2017
A Real Effort or the Status Quo??..

Sierra Vista Woman Finds Note from ‘Chinese Prisoner’ in Walmart Purse
KVOA | 25 April 2017
The Realities of Globalism, Prison Labor…

Man Fined $500 for Crime of Writing ‘I Am An Engineer’ in an Email to the Government
Motherboard | 25 April 2017
Government is About Revenue; not Safety…

Slain Woman’s Fitbit Data Cited in Murder Case Against Husband
CBS NEWS | 25 April 2017
Digital Diary….

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea Briefing
Reuters | 25 April 2017
More that Saber Rattling???

Meet Emmanuel Macron – The Consummate Banker Puppet, Bizarre Elitist Creation
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 25 April 2017
Marcon’s PTB Connections…

US Military Begins Moving THAAD Anti-Missile System Into South Korea Deployment Site
Zero Hedge | 25 April 2017
The Only Good Korea is a Divided One…

Putin Points Out Russian Weapons’ Top Performance Helped Boost Exports
TASS | 25 April 2017
The International MIC….

Sacred Communities and The Emergent Multipolar Landscape
Saker | 25 April 2017
Saker’s POV on….

Winners and Losers of Trump’s First 100 Days
Yahoo | 24  April 2017
Partial List…

US Sanctions 271 Syrians, Freezes Their US Assets
Zero Hedge | 24 April 2017
Mystery Sarin Gas Justifications…

Elites Are Orchestrating A Global Catastrophe: “There Are Many Things The President Does Not Know”
Zero Hedge | 24 April 2017
PTB 2.0 Exit Strategies…

France Elections: Macron and Le Pen Through to Run-Off
BBC | 24 April 2017
EU or Not to EU…

What Does “Mother of All Bombs” Have to Do with Christchurch
Scoop Media | 24 April 2017
MOAB Connection…

Israel PM Issues Holocaust Day Warning
Yahoo | 23 April 2017
More Saber Rattling….

This 1967 CIA Memo Is Still Used to Discredit Conspiracy Theorists Today

YouTube | April 2017
Conspiracy Theorist Badge of Honor…

Trump: the Man vs. His Ideas
Jon Rappoport| 23 April 2017
100 Day Retrospective…

How Did NY Gov. Cuomo Make $783,000 From A Book That Sold Only 3,200 Copies?
Zero Hedge| 23 April 2017
Follow the Money…

The Russians Hacked Democrats’ Plans to Cheat in the General Election, Too
Breitbart |23 April 2017
Ruskies to the Rescue??..

Amy Baker Benjamin – Will the Real Trump Foreign Policy Please Stand Up?
Radio NZ | 23 April 2017
Force for…

Israel PM Netanyahu Issues Threat Against Iran
Yahoo | 23 April 2017
Want to destroy us, and a hatred for…

Tucker Carlson & Stephen Cohen debate validity of Russian Hacking claims
YouTube | 21 April 2017
Theater that is…

Memorandum on Domestic US Torture Programs:Running Under Cover of Surveillance,
Covert US Military/Intel/Justice Physical Mutilation of the Population,
EMF Weapons, Neuro-Weapons, Bio-Terrorism, & Organized Stalking

Everyday Concerned | 25 January 2017
Best and brightest, most productive…