Geopolitical – Week of 03.19.17

The Human Trafficking Rings & RFID Chips
JP Farrell | 25 March 2017
Keeping Track of slaves…

Failure on Health Bill also Hurts Prospects for Tax Overhaul
AP | 25 March 2017
Offset by…

In 24 States, 50% or More of Babies Born on Medicaid; New Mexico Leads Nation With 72%
CNS News | 24 March 2017
Nation’s most populous…

Discussion About GOP Replacement to Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House Intensifies in White House, Congress
Breitbart | 24 March 2017
Republican officials…

Deep State & the CIA Media Matrix! Dark Journalist & Peter Dale Scott

Dark Journalist | 24 March 2017
Deep State Exposed…

RINOcare Lesson for Trump: Work with Conservatives, Not with the Swamp
Conservative Review | 24 March 2017
Facts and details…

Dyncorp, The Private Military Corporation At The Heart Of Foreign Policy Scandal
Disobedient Media | 24 March 2017
Corporate Armies…

NSA To Provide “Smoking Gun” Proof Obama Spied On Trump
Zero Hedge | 24 March 2017
Using the cover of…

Devin Nunes Vanished the Night Before He Made Trump Surveillance Claims
Daily Beast | 24 March 2017
Mystery with serious…

Man Who Bound Dog’s Muzzle with Tape Sentenced to 5 Years
AP | 25 March 2017
Concurrent with…

Trump’s Trade Vows at Risk Under Moderate Advisers, Trumka Says
Morningstar | 23 March 2017
Wall Street Wing is starting to…

China a Friend in Need to Malaysia
A Times | 23 March 2017
Ties and highlights a warming trend…

Ukraine Accuses Russia of ‘State Terrorism’ After Former MP Shot
Reuters | 23 March 2017
Key witness in a treason…

Pt 1 Blixseth On Montgomery “I Hacked Into All Of America For Brennan & Clapper” Trump Zillion Times
Sound Cloud | 23 March 2017
Data harvesting was allegedly accomplished…

Journalist Barrett Brown on Prison, Leakers, and Private Intelligence Agencies

ARVE Error: Invalid URL in url

YouTube | 22 March 2017
Private Intel Threat…

Congressman Nunes, Chair of House Intelligence Committe, Confirms that Trump Campaign/Transition Team was Wiretapped
C-Span | 22 March 2017
Legal surveillance…

Devin Nunes Confirms Surveillance Of Trump Transition Team
YouTube | 21 March 2017
Incidental surveillance…

Israel’s David’s Sling Missile System to be Operational in Weeks
UPI | 21 March 2017
To engage…

The Crutch Shot: Disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner Seems to be Hobbled
NY Daily News | 21 March 2017
Weiner hobbled…

Scott Uehlinger: Russia Has Been Trying to Influence Our Elections for Fifty Years; Suddenly, Democrats Are ‘Shocked’
| February 2017
American people had…

Buchanan on ‘Russiagate’: Only Known Crimes Committed Are Leaks to Media
Breitbart | 21 March 2017

U.S. Reverses Course and offers New Dates for NATO Talks
Reuters | 21 March 2017
So Tillerson could…

The Pentagon has Never Been Audited. That’s Astonishing
The Guardian | 20 March 2017
The Pentagon, Zero Accountability…

NSA Spying on the Trump Administration?

YouTube | 15 February 2017
Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman…

Gingrich & Dobbs Discuss FBI Director Comey’s Strange Behavior
Fox News | 21 March 2017
Legal woes…

Tillerson: “I Didn’t Want This Job”
Zero Hedge | 22 March 2017
Tillerson’s lament…

North Korea missile test ends in failure as projectile “explodes within seconds” of launch
Mirror UK | 22 March 2017
Detected by Japanese, South Korean and …

Magnitsky Lawyer Injured after Falling from Building near Moscow
Mirror | 22 March 2017

Woman Claims Parents Sold Her To An International Sex Trafficking Organization – At Birth
Dr Phil | 21 March 2017
Extremely rich and prominent…

Where Does Gorsuch Stand on Torture? It’s Hard to Say
NY Times | 21 March 2017
Senior official in the Justice…

Marine Le Pen Holds Four Point Lead over Macron, Shock Poll Says
Express | 21 March 2017

Woman Claims Parents Sold Her To An International Sex Trafficking Organization – At Birth
Dr. Phil | 21 March 2017
More pedo revalations…

Live: U.S. Politics
Reuters | 21 March 2017
Live US Politics…

High Court Limits President’s Power to Fill Temporary Posts
Yahoo | 21 March 2017
1998 law…

Why White-collar Crooks may be Cheering this Jeff Sessions Memo
Yahoo | 21 March 2017

Latest Solari $25 Contribution
Lift the Veil
Patreon |21 March 2017

LePen Rises to New All-Time High of 45%
PresiTrack |21 March 2017
Le Pen gains ground…

Oklahoma State Sen. Ralph Shortey to Resign in Wake of Arrest for Child Prostitution
NY Daily News | 21 March 2017
Pedo-gate continued…

Lockheed Martin CEO is Seeing a ‘Trump Effect’ as NATO Members Boost Defense Spending
CNBC | 21 March 2017
Meet the Western…

Lockheed Martin CEO: Trump the Reason for F-35 Price Drop
NewsMax | 21 March 2017
Difference in the timing and…

Documenting Illegal-Immigrant Pedophile Crimes
Jon Rappoport | 20 March 2017
Illegal pedophile crimes…

North Korea Issues Shock War Warning: ‘If a Single Bullet is Fired, We Will Nuke the US’
Daily Star | 19 March 2017
NK nuke threats…

Yes, Obama Did Investigate Trump
Spectator | 21 March 2017
Remains the bottom…

Super Snowden Whistleblower Releases 600,000,000 Pages Of Illegal NSA Spying
YouTube | 20 March 2017
For years…

New NSA Whistleblower Goes Public About Trump Surveillance
YouTube | 19 March 2017
Corsi on NSA…

Documents Show Obama Surveilled Entire Trump Family For 8 Years
YouTube | 19 March 2017

NSA Documnets Prove Surveillance of Donald Trump & his Family
Infowars | 19 March 2017
YouTube | 19 March 2017
Obama’s surveillance tally continues…

Did the U.S. Government Pressure Pope Benedict XVI to Resign?
JP Farrell | 21 2017 March 2017
Pope pressured…

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
Gallup | 19 March 2017
Trump’s poll numbers…

Tillerson Ends China Trip with Warm Words from President Xi
Reuters | 19 March 2017
Beijing is also deeply…

Legislators Push for Cities to Be Treated as “Tenants of the State”
Truth Out | 19 March 2017
Local governments have become…

Trump’s Proposed Increase in US Military Spending is Almost as Big as Russia’s Entire Defense Budget
QZ | 18 March 2017
So behind…