Geopolitical – Week of 02.05.17

Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring
Neonnettle | 09 February 2017
Elite ties in…

The new ISIS threat: its soldiers are going home
CS Monitor | 09 February 2017
Could just make things…

Documentary about Sex Trafficking: I Am Jane Doe
Philadelphia Citizen | 08 February 2017
Lays out the scope and…

How We’ll Stop a Rogue Federal Agency
WSJ | 08 February 2017
Unaccountable and unconstitutional…

Ann Coulter Asks Bill Maher a Question He Can’t Answer!
Bill Maher | 07 February 2017
Immigration, who benefits..

What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration?
Chatam House | 07 February 2017
Europeans Thoughts on Immigration..

Haiti Police Rescue Dozens, Arrest 12 in Human Trafficking Ring
Jamaica Observer | 06 February 2017
20 of them minors, piled together…

CNN Audio Malfunction after Bernie Sanders Calls Network ‘Fake News’ on Air
True Pundit | 11 February 2017
CNN Spikes Bernie Sanders…

Politicians Are Now Making Plans in Case the Public Turns Against Them Violently
Anti Media | 09 February 2017
House Republicans during a closed-door…

Record Number Renounce U.S. Citizenship in 2016
US News | 09 February 2017
Last year…

Obama’s Lost Army
New Republic | 09 February 2017
Seminal mistake…

Trump Rejects Veteran GOP Foreign Policy Aide Elliott Abrams for State Dept. Job
WP | 10 February 2017
Role in the Reagan-era Iran…

Do not let Elliott Abrams anywhere near the State Department
RPLR | 07 February 2017
Rand Paul…

Bill Kristol, Donald Trump and the “One Weird Trick” that Overturned American Politics
Salon | 10 February 2017
His enemies…

The Takeaways from Trump’s Joint Presser with Abe
Axios | 10 February 2017

Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
White House | 09 February 2017

Presidential Executive Order on Preventing Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement Officers
White House | 09 February 2017
Boundaries of the Constitution…

Presidential Executive Order on a Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety
White House | 09 February 2017
Reduce crime, including, in particular…

Vatican Summit Participants Vow Efforts to Stop Organ Trafficking
Catholic News | 09 February 2017
Pressure on…

Syria’s Assad: Some Refugees are ‘Definitely’ Terrorists
Yahoo | 09 February 2017
About the…

Swedish Cop Who Spoke Out About Migrant Crime Now Being Investigated For “Hate Speech”
ZeroHedge | 09 February 2017
Incitement to racial…

Trump Sued Over ‘1-in-2-out’ Regulations Order
Hill | 08 February 2017
Block important…

Delingpole: Ronald Reagan Would Have Hated this Stupid ‘Conservative’ Carbon Tax Idea
Breitbart | 08 February 2017
Untrue without quite…

Yemen Withdraws Permission for US Ground Operations
First Post | 08 February 2017
Setback for…

Iran Fires another Missile from Launch Pad, US Official Says
Fox News | 08 February 2017
Latest test…

Melania, Ivanka and the Trump Family’s Definition of Public Service
Chicago Tribune | 08 February 2017
Commentary: maybe the courts can help…

“Danger” – Matt Drudge Warns: “Republicans Only Know How To Be Opposition, Not Lead!”
ZeroHedge | 08 February 2017
GOP’s lack of…

If Trump and Congress ‘Botch’ Tax Cuts, GOP Could Lose House, Republican Steve Forbes Warns
CNBC | 08 February 2017
Border adjustment…

Putin’s Tough Choice: China Or The West
ZeroHedge | 08 February 2017
Core of the original Rockefeller…

Sanders-Cruz Debate is a Ratings Hit, but their Views Aren’t Winning the Hill
WP | 08 February 2017
6 million people who…

Record Numbers of Refugees Fleeing United States for Canada
Independent | 07 February 2017

CONFUSION: Nancy Pelosi says ‘Seen Nothing I Can Work with President Bush On’
American Mirror | 07 February 2017
Don’t need Republican enemies when…

Here Are The 50 Largest Lobbying Spenders; Good Place To Start “Draining The Swamp?”
ZeroHedge | 07 February 2017
National Association of…

Anti-Donald Trump: War Propaganda
Voltaire Net | 07 February 2017
Bad faith of the Atlantist Press can be verified for each…

Bernie Sanders vs Ted Cruz Obamacare Debate Part 1
YouTube | 07 February
Most striking moments…

Eric Holder Makes First Visit to California Capitol as Outside Counsel
Sac Bee | 07 February 2017
First meeting with…

Marion Le Pen Dismantles Feminist Hypocrisy in 3 Minutes
Lew Rockwell | 06 February 2017

YouTube | 31 January 2017
Submission tool…

Tucker: ‘I’ve Never Thought I’d Say Anything Nice About a Radical Feminist Group, But…’
Fox News | 07 February 2017
Tag team…

Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary; Pence Breaks Tie
NY Times | 07 February 2017

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly Defends Travel Ban but Regrets Quick Rollout
ABC News | 07 February 2017
Potentially…to harm…

Homeland Security Secretary Says a Border Wall Won’t be Built All at Once
LA TImes | 07 February 2017
Where border agents…

Missing Refugees in Europe: The Admitted Scenario, and an Even More…
Giza Death Star | 06 February 2017
Comment: 90% + of the migrants…

Donald J. Trump and The Deep State
Global Research | 06 February 2017
Deep State revolt against…

Big Tech Companies File Amicus Brief in Immigration Travel Case
NBC News | 06 February 2017
37.4 percent of Silicon…

Sharp Left Turn Ahead — Beware, Democrats
Fox News | 05 February 2017
Divided between pragmatic politicians and…

California State Senate Leader: ‘Half My Family’ Here Illegally
Breitbart | 05 February 2017
Eligible for…

Judge’s Order to Block Trump’s Immigration Travel Ban is Ridiculous
Jon Rappoport | 05 February 2017
Absurd for several…

Federal Funding of Americas Sanctuary Cities
Open the Books | February 2017
Conclusion: We sourced nearly…

‘You Think Our Country is so Innocent?’ – Trump Asks after O’Reilly Calls Putin ‘a Killer’
RT | 05 February 2017
Provocations to…

Three Congressional IT Employees Fired for Accessing Members’ Computer Networks Without Permission
Blaze | 04 February 2017
Barred from…

Puerto Rico to Vote on Statehood or Independence
Undernews | 04 February 2017
Referendum will be held…

Manhattan DA Office to Open Investigation of Case
Giza Death Star | 04 February 2017
Why “poke around” 52 years later…

Berkeley and Hitler
Dilbert | 03 February 2017
Hypnotized zombie…

What’s all the Fuss about the Vetting of Immigrants?
Steve Pieczenik | 01 February2017
Equally despicable is…

This Hitler Nonsense
Regie Hamm Blog | 01 February 2017
Fundamental things to…

Top Denver Secret Service Agent Suspended
CBS Denver | 02 Feruary 2017
Social media post…

How Trump’s Use of Social Networking Changes Governance
Global Guerrillas | 02 February 2017
Stays reactive to the rapidly evolving…