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Fellowship of Preparation Makers Interview Project: c/o The Biodynamic Association
Bio Dynamics | December 2017
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American Life Expectancy Falls for Second Year in a Row
Undernews | 21 December 2017
National Center for Health Statistics…
Why Is U.S. Life Expectancy Down for a Second Year in a Row?
Alternet | 21 December 2017
Now expect to live…
Mexico to Legalize Marijuana-based Product Sales Next Year
Reuters | 20 December 2017
Expects distributors and retailers to…
US compiles list of Chinese officials linked to organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners
NTDIN TV | 18 December 2017
New Study: Massive Aluminum Levels in Autism Brains, is this the Smoking Gun for Vaccines?
Medium | 27 November 2017
Almost devoid of…