Food & Health – Week of 05.07.17

Organic Farming Explodes 13%… Biggest Growth Since 2008
Break Away | 12 March 2017
(March) No justification as to why the rise is…

Americans Demand Single-Payer Health Care at GOP Town Hall
Rolling Stone | 11 May 2017
Not Tom MacArthur’s…

U.S., China Reach Deals on Access for Beef, Financial Services
News Max | 12 May 2017
Food leverage…

Americans Demand Single-Payer Health Care at GOP Town Hall
Rolling Stone | 11 May 2017
It is not Tom MacArthur’s…

‘Medicare for All’ — Who’s in and Who’s Out in the Illinois Democratic Congressional Delegation?
Chicago Tribune | 10 May 2017
Already allows states to experiment with…

Aetna Fully Exits Obamacare Exchanges with Pull-out in Two States
Reuters | 10 May 2017
Remaining states where…

Hanford Nuclear Reservation Tunnel Collapse Triggers Alert
Fox News | 09 May 2017
A Nuke Infrastructure Breakdown…

Hanford Nuclear Storage Facilty Tunnel Collapses after Earthquake Swarm

5/09/2017 -- ☢ Hanford Nuclear Storage Facilty tunnel collapses after earthquake swarm ☢

5/09/2017 — ☢ Hanford Nuclear Storage Facilty tunnel collapses after earthquake swarm ☢

YouTube | 10 May 2017
Swarm struck…long term nuclear waste disposal…

Obamacare Premiums Rise as Insurers Fret Over Law’s Shaky Future
Bloomberg | 09 May 2017
The Joys of Managed Care…

Forget Taxes, Warren Buffett Says. The Real Problem Is Health Care.
NYT | 08 May 2017
Buffet, Tax Cuts Bad…

Charlie Munger Says Single-payer Healthcare is the Solution
Yahoo | 07 May 2017
Munger says…benign despot would…

World Temperatures Plummet: Further Arctic Ice Panic is Just Empty Drama
Nexus News Feed | 06 May 2017
Global Warming Sham….

Colorado Cattle Death Toll Skyrockets after Rare Spring Blizzard
Ice Age Now | 04 May 2017
Massive Losses Due to Spring Blizzards…

Freezing Temps Hurt Michigan Asparagus Crop
WHTC AM Radio | 09 May 2017
2 Million Pounds of Asparagus Destroyed…

GMO ‘Super Wheat’ to be Grown in the UK Despite Fears
Nexus | 09 May 2017
More Franken Foods….

All the Trees Will Die, and Then So Will You
Wired | 09 May 2017
Trees Contribute to the Well Being of All…