Food & Health – Week of 01.22.17

Organic Animal Welfare Final Rule – What It Says and What’s Next
Sustainable Agriculture | 27 January 2017
What Does the Rule Say? …

Mysterious Cluster of Amnesia Cases, Possibly Tied to Ppioids, Alarms Health Officials
Statnews | 26 January 2017
Concerned about is maybe a contaminant or…

Robert F Kennedy’s Devastating Quotes on Vaccines and the CDC
Jon Rappoport | 26 January 2017
Why the CDC can foist toxic…

7 Minutes on CDC
Age of Autism | 25 January 2017
CDC own…patents. It sells about $4.6…

Monsanto, EPA Seek to Keep Talks Secret On Glyphosate Cancer Review
USRTK | 19 January 2017
Defense against the Roundup…

Aetna and Humana Shares Fall after Federal Judge Blocks $34 Billion Merger
Market Watch | 23 January 2017
Could deal a fatal…

City of Everett Claims OxyContin Maker Allows Drug into Black Market, Plans to Sue
King 5 | 19 January 2017
(Local) Mayor says…

Researchers Use Stem Cells to Regenerate the External Layer of a Human Heart
PSU | 11 January 2017

The 1 Thing Every Cancer Patient Needs to Hear – Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Patient Group Challenges DEA over Statements on Health Risks of Cannabis
Cannifornian | 14 December 2016
Document below…

Request for Correction of Information Disseminated by DEA Regarding Marijuana (Cannabis)
American Safe Access |05 December 2016
Before the US Department of Justice…
YouTube | 18 September 2015
If you listen to all…dumb decisions…

Olle Johansson on Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

Olle Johansson at the Open Mind Conference 2014

Olle Johansson at the Open Mind Conference 2014

YouTube | 09 October 2014
Sweden has one of the largest cable…

WiFi – “Irreversible Sterility Within Five Generations”

Prof. Olle Johansson on WiFi - "Irreversible sterility within five generations"

Prof. Olle Johansson on WiFi – “Irreversible sterility within five generations”

YouTube | 10 May 2013
Prof. Olle Johansson…