A Short Preview:
“However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.”
~ Stanley Kubrick
By Catherine Austin Fitts
In September, Dr. Jacob Nordangård and I met again in Stockholm at a wonderful conference, “On Guard for the Liberty of Mankind.” Thanks to James Patrick of Big Picture and Planet Lockdown, I was able to continue my discussion with Jacob for the Solari Report about the global coup d’état which has been underway for decades. Our initial and very fruitful discussion was in August 2022.
Jacob is an accomplished Swedish researcher, author, and lecturer, as well as founder and chairman of the foundation Stiftelsen Pharos and CEO of Pharos Media Productions, both of which focus on threats to humanity, habitat, and democracy. He is also a band leader and singer-songwriter whose lyrics are often inspired by his research in these and other areas.
With interests in urban planning, energy, and environmental issues—and graduate degrees in technology and social change, geography, culture, and media production—Jacob is well positioned to critically examine the climate change, sustainable development, and transhumanist agendas. His in-depth research on these topics resulted in the publication of his books Rockefeller — Controlling the Game (2019), which is being republished by Skyhorse Publishing in the U.S. in January, and The Global Coup d’Etat (2022).
In our wide-ranging discussion, Jacob updates us on his research, his new book The Digital World Brain (now available in Swedish), the plans underway to digitize all life, and what we can do to push back against the global coup. Please join me for another fascinating conversation with a brilliant researcher deeply dedicated to human civilization and scholarship.
Money & Markets:
This is the last week of the month, so there is no Money & Markets. The next Money & Markets will publish on December 7. Post questions at the Money & Markets commentary here.
Related Solari Reports:
Engineering the Global Coup with Dr. Jacob Nordangård
Rockefeller: Controlling the Game (Skyhorse Publishing)
Jacob Nordangård (website)
Jacob Nordangård, Ph.D. (blog)
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