Electromagnetic Radiation & Wireless

From Children’s Health Defense

Our goal is to provide the public with the information they need to make an informed assessment of wireless and other radiation-emitting technologies. We hope to empower individuals to advocate for environments that are conducive to humans, with the best interests of children, health and the environment in mind.

News Bulletin:
Find the latest news, and The Defender articles regarding wireless and other EMF-emitting technologies, including 5G, from the U.S. and around the globe.
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What You Need to Know:
Learn about the health and environmental impacts of As, the agencies that set regulatory limits and the underlying physics of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and 5G wireless technologies.
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What You Can Do:
Find resources to take action against the rollout of 5G and support CHD’s ongoing advocacy efforts. Learn about how to limit electromagnetic radiation exposure from wireless technology at home, at school and at work.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Find answers to frequently asked questions about 5G and EMR/EMF, such as, “How can I protect myself and my family from wireless communication radiation?”
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Key Terms and Descriptions:
Find definitions to key terms such as frequency, electromagnetic fields, 5G and the Internet of Things.
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Related Reading:

For more articles and in-depth information visit our EMR page on the CHD website.

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