At Last! Volume II of the Real Game of Missing Money – 2018 Annual Wrap Up is available at our book store for Solari subscribers.

Volume I and II of the Real Game of Missing Money – 2018 Annual Wrap Up is here and available at our Solari book store for subscribers.
Some of our subscribers have suggested that they would like to mail copies of the “2018 Annual Wrap Up – The Real Game of Missing Money, Volume I, to their financial professionals, their Senate and Congressional representatives and/or their state and local officials.
Accordingly, we have provided bulk discounts at the store and drafted these four (4) templates to make this process as effortless as possible.
View Forwarding Letter Template HERE.
Please allow two weeks for delivery of books.
We include all the important information you need do to due diligence, on what $21 Trillion missing from the federal government, and the adoption of secret books through FASAB 56 means to you and your savings.
Please enjoy the full digital version of Volume I and Volume II now:
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