By Catherine Austin Fitts
Deep State Tactics 101 – FASAB 56, Operation Gladio, the Phoenix Program and Cointelpro and the Shredding of the Treaty of Westphalia and what it all means to your digital cybersecurity (shadownet = shadow work) and crime in your neighborhood
– Warning re: US Tax Sheltered Accounts – 401ks, IRAs
- British Elections – Brexit is On
- FT- Nato: Beijing’s growing influence poses challenges that “we need to address together as an alliance”
- House Democrats Reach Agreement with White House on USMCA
- Winter Storm: Delivers Snow to 30 States
- Exxon Found Not Guilty of Fraud in Climate-Change Accounting Case
- DC Furball
- The Afghanistan”Failure”
- Pentagon on Low-Grade Nuclear Weapons
- NY Times documents – Afghanistan was a huge success
- What would happen if your state had to run a trade surplus? US Trade Statistics
- Congress authorizes and funds the US Space Force
- Australian Fires – burned area of size of Hawaii
2nd Quarter 2019 Wrap Up – The State of Our Currency
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Gifting to the Children We Love
Let’s Go to the Movies:
The Spider’s Web – Britain’s Second Empire
Blast from the Past