Subscriber Resources:
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Giving Thanks
- Update on Fires: last week M&M deaths, disinformation, questions about smart meters and chips, proprietary firefighters for the wealth
- Megacities
- The CIA Finds Saudi Crown Prince MBS Responsible for Journalist’s Murder, more regime change
- US Midterm Election Aftermath: America Could Use Some Deals ~Peggy Noonan – the case for incrementalism
- HHS Official/Former Pfizer Exec Daniel Best’s Death; Pfizer Raising Drugs; Stock Outperforms S&P
- FANG stocks enter bear territory: Whither the S&P and China Trade Wars
- Brexit: UK would be better off with a hard Brexit
- The idea of an EU Military
- GDP growth slowing, housing market slowing, negative outlooks and technocracy grows more oppressive
Bill Niman
Let’s Go to the Movies
The Blind Side
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