In anticipation of next week’s 2022 Annual Wrap Up report with Elze van Hamelen on “Pharma Food,” we highly recommend this 2018 interview with Food Patriot Dr. Don M. Huber and former Food Series host Harry Blazer.
Dr. Huber was a phytopathology professor at Purdue University as well as Associate Director of the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (dealing with, among other things, potential biological warfare agents), which put him in a unique position to assess both human and plant health issues.
This Blast from the Past is an eye-opener regarding the war being waged on real food, and illustrates why good health care begins with each individual’s access to proper food and nutrition.
Use this to get ready for the shocking 2022 Annual Wrap Up that will publish on January 31, 2023.
Solari Food Series: Dr. Don Huber – Food Patriot
views: 5