Blast from the Past: Week of August 14, 2023: How to Find a Great Bank

A recurrent Blast from the Past is Catherine’s original 2004 article on how to find a good local bank. We are bringing it up again because we find, based on the questions that come into Ask Catherine & the Solari Team, that many subscribers are still struggling with knowing how to find such a bank.

How to Find a Local Bank

For the last two weeks on their weekly CHD-TV show, Financial Rebellion, Catherine and Carolyn discussed the best strategies and criteria for finding a bank that not only is local but actually is a great bank—one that cares for your assets and for you as a customer.

Building a Successful Relationship with a Great Bank: Part I

Building a Successful Relationship with a Great Bank: Part II

Building a Successful Relationship with a Great Bank: Part III

Building a Successful Relationship with a Great Bank: Part IV

In both posts, we have linked the full, expanded document that Catherine and Carolyn used during the Financial Rebellion show to go through the definitions, criteria, and processes of building a relationship with your bank.

These are resources that we hope will help you and your family—or even your Solari Connect Circle—to find a great bank and build a productive relationship with your banker.

Subscribers who still have questions about how to find a good bank are always invited to submit their questions to Ask Catherine & the Solari Team.


Blast from the Past: Week of March 27, 2023: How to Find a Good Local Bank

Blast from the Past: Week of October 24, 2022: How to Find a Local Bank

views: 17