Solari is a private company founded by Catherine Austin Fitts.
Our mission is to help you live a free and inspired life. This includes protecting financial transaction freedom and building wealth in ways that build real wealth in the wider economy. We believe that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of both individual freedom and community health and well-being. To support this mission, our goal is to build a network of members who help each other access and circulate actionable intelligence.
Solari Report subscribers have access to private briefings via weekly interviews with Catherine Austin Fitts and her guests, as well as the Money & Markets show (co-hosted by Catherine and John Titus) and additional interviews conducted by selected Solari hosts. The Solari Report’s review of news, events, and important trends is summarized in quarterly and annual Wrap Ups. In addition, subscribers have the opportunity to submit questions to Ask Catherine & the Solari Team and Tech Corner, and (when logged in) to post and respond to comments by Catherine and other subscribers. Our in-house social media platform, Solari Connect, makes it easy for subscribers to find one another, form local “Solari Circles,” and share actionable intelligence.
The Solari Report’s chief focus is financial transaction freedom and current financial and geopolitical events, as well as risk issues and opportunities impacting personal wealth, health, and happiness. Additional offerings, many available to the public, include articles, book reviews, and commentaries written by Catherine Austin Fitts and other members of the Solari team and network.
Here is Catherine discussing the “Red Button Story”—providing essential background for anyone interested in “coming clean” and taking steps toward financial freedom:
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Solari Investment Screens:
Catherine Austin Fitts is also managing member at Solari Investment Screens, LLC, which provides equity investment screens.