Money & Markets – Week of 05.28.17

Stocks Insider Trading – Walmart – The Walton Family Is Selling A Lot Of Stocks

YouTube | 01 June 2017
The Big Club Members are Selling…..!

Trump will Pledge Federal Dollars for Infrastructure Projects in Rural Areas
McClatchy DC | 03 June 2017
Shifting Funding Focus…

Study By MIT Economist: U.S. Has Regressed To A Third-World Nation For Most Of Its Citizens
The Intellectualist | 20 April 2017

Bush I’s NWO Dream Come True….

Commission Lays Out Vision to Complete Euro
EU Observer | 03 June 2017
Mr. Global Proceeds on Course..

Angry Greek Shipowners Expose Real Motive Behind Schaeuble’s Taxation Criticism
Keep Talking Greece | 02 June 2017
Sweetheart Deals Exposed..

Jobs Miss Big, Unemployment Rate Falls to 16-Year Low
Business Insider | 02 June 2017
Economy on Upswing???

The Blockchain and US (2017)

YouTube | 04 April 2017
Blockchain Explanation and Cheer Leading….

What’s Truly Italian? Food Fight Foils ‘Made in Italy’ Plan
Reuters UK | 02 June 2017
Standardization Faces Internal Challenges..

Pump and Dump 2.0
JP Farrell | 01 June 2017
Same Old Play Book…

Uber Posts $708 Million Loss as Finance Head Leaves
Wall Street Journal | 01 June 2017
Where Did it Go???

In His First Ever Tweet, Lloyd Blankfein Slams Trump’s Climate Decision
Zero Hedge | 01 June 2017
Carbon Credit bye-bye..

National Pension Fund to Invest in B&R Deals
Global Times | 31 May 2017
Chinese Invest in Infrastructure…

RPT-SPECIAL REPORT-‘Ghost Collateral’ Haunts Loans across China’s Banking System
Reuters | 31 May 2017
Disappeared Pledged Collateral…

Fixed-Income ETF Flows Aacross Assets and Maturities
Bloomberg | 30 May 2017
Increasing Risks…

Why an Australian Fund Manager Decided to Sell Everything
Wolf Street | 30 May 2017

Ford’s New CEO Jim Hackett Talks Stock Price, Consumer PerceptionThe Star | 29 June 2017
Ford’s Turn Around…

As Americans Take on More Debt, Some Pockets of Concern
ABC News | 29 May 2017
Another Tsunami of Debt Approaches…

Bigelow Aerospace Founder Says Commercial World will Lead in Space
CBS News | 28 May 2017
Off World Boom Prognostications..

The Three Most Interesting Numbers in President Trump’s First Budget
MyGovCost | 27 May 2017

FedGov.Inc Cut Highlights…

They Are Killing Small Business: The Number Of Self-Employed Americans Is Lower Than It Was In 1990
The Economic Collapse | 23 May 2017
Mr. Global’s War on Small Business…

Muni Bond Market Signals Tax Reform Unlikely This Year
Real Investment Advice | 26 May 2017
Status Quo Push Back…

Consumer Sentiment Around the World: Trending Upward
McKinsey | 00 May 2017
Consumer Sentiment Up???

To Replace Obamacare, Don’t Overlook The Role Of The States
Forbes | 15 May 2017
State Regulatory Assistance…