Science & Technology – Week of 05.28.17

Trump’s Speech On Paris Climate Agreement Withdrawal, Annotated (Audio not annotated)
NPR | 01 June 2017

President Trump Makes a Statement Regarding the Paris Accord

President Trump Makes a Statement Regarding the Paris Accord

YouTube | 01 June 2017
Missing money…

Trump Didn’t Kill the Paris Agreement — It Was Already Dead
Inside Sources | 02 June 2017
Climate Deal Postmortem…

‘Mystery Ice’ Baffles Florida Family
Coast to Coast | 03 June 2017
High Altitude Ice Impact…

Tencent’s WeChat has Completely Taken over China’s Mobile Internet
Asian Times | 02 June 2017
Chinese Social Networking Engineering….

Miner Who Confronted Clinton Reacts to Paris Accord Decision

Miner who confronted Clinton reacts to Paris accord decision

Miner who confronted Clinton reacts to Paris accord decision

YouTube | 02 June 2017
Mr. Global Engineered Climate Agreements…

The $50 Million Purdue-Kaplan Deal: What It Means for Kaplan, Purdue, and EdTech
Ed Times | 01 June 2017
Online .edu Goes Mainstream…

NASA Shoots Probe at Sun
Info Wars | 31 May 2017
Outer Solar Atmosphere Targeted..

Microsoft Co-founder Built the World’s Largest Plane to Launch Rockets into Space
Verge | 31 March 2017
Orbital ATK inked a deal with…

Seeing Through Walls.. It’s Simple..
JP Farrell | 28 May 2017
Big Brother X-ray Vision…

50 Best Computer Science Schools in the World
Business Insider | 28 May 2017
Interesting Rankings..

You Can Now Sell Solar Power to your Neighbors
Revolution-Green | 28 May 2017
Grid Tie, has Risk and Rewards…

The Need for a Digital Geneva Convention
Micro Soft | 14 February 2017
Digital(MS) Vulnerabilities bring Call for Civility…