Geopolitical – Week of 05.07.17

Catherine Austin Fitts-They’re Trying to Centralize Control
YouTube | 09 May 2017
Latest Greatest CAF Interview…

Who Was Behind the Firing of FBI Director James Comey? What Political Interests are Being Served? Who is Andrew McCabe?
Global Research | 13 May 2017
Fire Comey did not emanate from…

Steve Pieczenik – Alex Jones Infowars
YouTube | 12 May 2017

VA Whistleblowers: Retaliation is Getting Worse, Not Better
Washington Examiner | 12 May 2017
New physicians will not…

Movie: Unacknowledged: An Expose of the Worlds Greatest Secret
Trailers Apple | 12 May 2017
Disclosure Project and how UFO…

McCabe Crushes ‘Trump Interference’ Narrative: “There Has Been No Effort To Impede Our Investigation”
Zero Hedge | 11 May 2017
Succinct answer on alleged…

Are You Ready to Die?
Paul Craig Roberts | 11 May 2017
First strike on…

Russian FM Lavrov Comments Sarcastically On James Comey Firing At Rex Tillerson Photo Op | NBC News

Russian FM Lavrov Comments Sarcastically On James Comey Firing At Rex Tillerson Photo Op | NBC News

Russian FM Lavrov Comments Sarcastically On James Comey Firing At Rex Tillerson Photo Op | NBC News

YouTube | 10 May 2017
Serious Issues..

Bangladesh prime minister says Clinton Personally Pressured Her to Help Foundation Donor
Circa | 11 May 2017
Clinton made a personal call to…

“Are You Glad He Got Fired Or Not??” Tucker Debates James Comey Firing
Fox News | 09 May 2017
Comey Over Reach Perpective…

The Losing Warfare State
Common Dreams | 11 May 2017
Successfully resisting a huge…

Kingpin of International Pedophilia Network Sentenced, 900 Additional Suspects Arrested
CS Globe | 11 May 2017
FBI Dark Web Involvement Allegations…

The History of the Neocon Takeover of the USA (a 4 Part Analysis)
The Saker | 10 May 2017
Shadow Government Takeover…

Tommy Robinson: Out on Bail — But It’s Not Over Yet

Tommy Robinson: Out on bail — but it's not over yet

Tommy Robinson: Out on bail — but it’s not over yet

YouTube | 10 May 2017
UK Police State Consequences…

Tommy Robinson’s BANNED speech: “The British Police State”Rebel Media

Tommy Robinson's BANNED speech: "The British Police State"

Tommy Robinson’s BANNED speech: “The British Police State”

YouTube | 10 May 2017
UK Police State Double Standard…

Drone Images Expose Major US, Jordan Military Build-up On Syrian Border
Zero Hedge | 10 May 2017
The Logistics of WWIII…

‘Work for WikiLeaks’: Assange Offers Comey Job as Snowden Condemns White House
RT | 10 May 2017
Assange has a Sense of Humor…

Can A Federal Judge Hold You Till You Die in a Civil Court Case?
Armstrong Economics | 10 May 2017
Told me if I wanted to go to trial…

In Pictures: Syrian Drones Spot Hundreds of US, Jordanian Armored Vehicles at the Border
Almasdar News | 09 May 2017
In response to the looming…

What’s Really Going on Between Goldman Sachs and the Federal Government?
Anonymous Warns World to ‘Prepare’ for World War 3

NY Post | 09 May 2017
Goldman, Arm of Federal Government…

Lavrov Scoffs At America’s “Humiliating Situation”
Zero Hedge | 10 May 2017
Serious Discussions About Real Issues….

Obama Pockets $3.2 Million For Speaking Gig In Milan
Zero Hedge | 10 May 2017
PTB Pay Off…

Rumored US troop increase in Afghanistan draws praise, worry on Capitol Hill
Military Times | 09 May 2017
New plan would…

Obama Uses Private Jet, 14 Car Convoy to Get to European Climate Change Speech
Independent Journal Review | 09 May 2017
The Carbon Privileged…

Federal Judge Declares Constitution Void, Threatens Civil Defendant With Death
Zero Hedge | 07 May 2017
The Constitution is Naught but, a Romantic Notion…….

Gingrich on Comey’s Firing: Trump had No Choice

Gingrich on Comey's firing: Trump had no choice

Gingrich on Comey’s firing: Trump had no choice

Fox News | 09 May 2017
Comey Fall Out…

Trump fires FBI Director Comey, Setting Off U.S. Political Storm
Reuters | 10 May 2017
Shreik-O-Meter turned up to 11….

Hannity on Fox News Today May 8, 2017
Fox News | 08 May 2017
Water Gate II…

The Deep State and the Donald | David Stockman

The Deep State and the Donald | David Stockman

The Deep State and the Donald | David Stockman

YouTube | April 12 2017
Deep State Finances Chronicled…

Full Pennsylvania focus group: May 7

Full Pennsylvania focus group: May 7

Full Pennsylvania focus group: May 7

YouTube |08 May 2017
Regrets on Getting Caught…

Trump Hires Law Firm to Fight Suggestions of Russia Business Ties
NBC News | 09 May 2017
Trump Lawyers Up…

Trump to Meet top Russian Diplomat at the White House
AP News | 09 May 2017
Avoiding WWIII??..

Obama Sees New Front in Climate Change Battle: Agriculture
NYT | 09 May 2017
Carbon Credit Futures Defense…

Harvard Endowment Liquidating $2.5 BIllion In Assets
Zero Hedge | 08 May 2017
Very Interesting Implications…

Jimmy Carter Reveals He Voted for Bernie Sanders in Democratic Primary
Daily Beast | 08 May 2017
President Carter Voted for Change…

Trump Set To Nominate A Slate Of 10 New Federal Court Judges
Zero Hedge | 08 May 2017
Conservatives for Judiciary…

Infowars Nightly News LIVE! Investigate Yates & Clapper
Info Wars | 08 May 2017
The Witch Hunt Continues, Live….

Yates / Clapper Hearing: Flynn In Deep Trouble But Still “No Evidence” Of Trump Collusion With Russia
Zero Hedge | 08 May 2017
The Witch Hunt Continues…

Congressional Expert: North Korea Prepping EMP Catastrophe Aimed At U.S. Homefront
Breitbart | 08 May 2017
NK Operating Way Out of Tech Weight Class…

McCain Slams Tillerson Over Prioritizing US Interests Instead of Values
Sputnik News | 08 May 2017
War First, Last and Always…

Vladimir Putin Sends Three Russian Warships into NATO Waters after US Vessel Arrives in Baltic Sea
Mirror UK | 08 May 2017
More Cold War 2.0

North Korea Vows Vevenge After Alleged CIA Plot to Kill Kim Jong-Un with ‘Biochemical Weapons’
Independent UK | 08 May 2017
Cold War 2.0

US National Security Adviser, Venezuela Opposition Leader Discuss Venezuelan
Press TV | 07 May 2017
More Nation Building…

(Mis)construing China’s Threat to the South China Sea
Asia Times | 07 May 2017
Questioning the…

The Government Wants Julian Assange in Jail. That Could Hurt the Rest of Us.
Washington Post | 07 May 2017
Big Brother Extends His Power….

Gergen: DOL Doomed, 45-Year DC Veteran Tells Advisors at Envestnet Summit
The Trust Advisor | 07 May 2017
Draw Down Starts…

Macron Elected French President: Estimates
Yahoo | 07 May 2017
Mr. Global Wins in France…

The World’s Most Valuable Resource is no Longer Oil, but Data
The Economist | 08 May 2017
The Engine of Control has Changed….

Columnist Who Defended NRA Quits After Being Suspended
NYP | 06 May 2017
2nd Amendment Defense Consequences…

Tulsi speaks to Tucker Carlson on Fox about Syria

Tulsi speaks to Tucker Carlson on Fox about Syria

Tulsi speaks to Tucker Carlson on Fox about Syria

YouTube | 08 April 2017
Anti MIC Regime Change Politics… Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
USA Spening | 12 May 2017
Required that federal contract, grant, loan, and