Money & Markets – Week of 04.23.17

Economic Reality: Bottom 50% of Americans No Longer Matter
Mish | 30 April 2017
Hard Core Numbers…

Homeownership Among US Millennials At All Time Low
Zero Hedge |30 April 2017
More Signs of the Harvest….

Puerto Rico Bondholders Reject Island’s Restructuring Offer
Bloomberg | 29 April 2017
The Politics of Default…

Bank of England Gold Vaults Bled 1500 Tonnes of Gold over 2013-2016 New Data Shows
Zero Hedge | 28 April 2017
Where Does it Go????

Kids’ College Loans Are Threatening Parents’ Retirement: Financial Advisors’ Daily Digest
Seeking Alpha| 28 April 2017
How Your Wealth is Harvested…

Presenting One Of The Best Trades Since 2008: Long ‘Inactivity’
Zero Hedge | 28 April 2017
Pizza and Netflix Take Off…

Russian Economy Has Grown Immune to Western Sanctions – UN Special Rapporteur
Sputnik News| April 2017
Russians Break-Away…

The Busiest Commuter Railway in the US is Falling Apart
Business Insider | 27 April 2017
Infrastructure Bellwether…

The Next Trade War: Trump Threatens To Terminate “Horrible” Trade Deal With South Korea
Zero Hedge | 27 April 2017
Globalization Blow Back..

Republicans Won’t Vote on ObamaCare Replacement Bill this Week
The Hill | 27 April 2017
More Feet Dragging…

Mnuchin Can’t Guarantee Middle Class Tax Cut
Prorev News| 27 April 2017
Tax Cuts are Now in Question….

Tax Lessons for the Donald
Daily Reckoning | 26 April 2017
Tax Reform: Solutions or More of the Same???

Trump Signs Executive Order Targeting National Monuments, Could Open Up Lands for Oil and Gas Development
Eco Watch | 26 April 2017
National Treasures Up for Grabs…

Trump’s Tax Cut Proposal Shines Light on MLPs
Reuters | 26 April 2017
Bringing the Money Back…

It Looks Like the US Economy Just Ground to a Halt
Business Insider | 26 April 2017
It Appears the Wheels Have Come Off…

Ronald Bernard High Finance Shocking Revelations (Dutch with Subtitles)
YouTube | April 2017
Dutch Straw Man Confessions…

Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Blows the Whistle on World’s Satanic Elite
29 | April 2017
More on Straw Man Confessions…

JPMorgan Beats Madoff Customers’ Appeal

Reuters | 26 April 2017
More Selective Enforcement…

Greenberg opens up on AIG, Buffett/Spitzer
Seeking Alpha | 31 March 2017
AIG Takeover Post Mortem…

SEC shutting off market transparency
Sound Cloud | 15 April 2017
SEC to Impose Monster Fees….

One Plunging Stock Shows Exactly Wat’s at Risk with the Trump Trade
Business Insider | 26 April 2017
US Mfg is On the Table….

Ethereum Surges To All Time High As SEC Considers Ether-based ETF
Zero Hedge | 26 April 2017
Crypto Currencies Next Step…

Paramount’s New Chief Jim Gianopulos Revives $1 Billion China Slate Deal (EXCLUSIVE)
Variety | 26 April 2017
China Eyes Hollywood…

White House Readies Order to Quit NAFTA – Administration Official
Yahoo |26 April 2017
Hasta NAFTA…

Canada’s Housing Bubble Explodes As Its Biggest Mortgage Lender Crashes Most In History
Zero Hedge | 26 April 2017
Canada Housing Bubble Pops….

Freedom Caucus Endorses Revised ObamaCare Repeal-and-Replace Bill

The Hill | 26 April 2017
Something Else to Hang His Hat On…

The Main Highlights In Trump’s Sweeping Tax Reform Proposal
Zero Hedge | 26 April 2017
Something to Hang His Hat On…

China’s AIIB Approves 13 New Member Countries
China Briefing | 03 April 2017
China’s Global Infrastructure Push….

Does Schäuble want Draghi to Exit the Stage Once & For All?
Armstrong | 26 April 2017
EU PTB Civil War….

Comments on Consolidated Tape Association Plan/Consolidated Quotation Plan (CTA/CQ) Rulemaking
SEC | 25 April 2017
More Loss of Transparency…

Dodd-Frank Replacement Bill Set for May 2 Markup
Bloomberg | 25 April 2017
Bellwether Legislation…

The Housing Bubble Is Back
Dollar Collapse| 25 April 2017
Same Old Song and Dance…

Total Financial Solutions Safer Money Hour Podcast
Santa Clarita Wealth Summit w/ Chet Thompson – Total Financial Solutions Safer Money Hour

The Financial Solutions | 25 April 2017
CAF Public Appearance..

Rising Inflation Dampens Americans’ Personal Financial Satisfaction
Journal of Accountancy| 25 April 2017
Expert input…

Chevron to Sell Bangladesh Gas Fields to Chinese Consortium

Reuters | 24 April 2017
Chinese Acquisition of Oil and Gas….

You think Washington has ‘Forgotten’ You — and it doesn’t Matter what Party You’re In
Market Place | 24 April 2017
Economic Anxiety Index…

Jack Ma Sees Decades of Pain as Internet Upends Old Economy
Bloomberg | 23 April 2017
Economy 3.0….

Local: These Neighbors Got Tired of Waiting for Traditional Developers
Next City | 30 August 2016
NorthEast Investment Cooperative (NEIC)…

Distortions and Deceptions in Strategic Decisions
McKinsey | February 2006
Complexities Abound in Big Business…