Geopolitical – Week of 03.26.17

Why the Pentagon Doesn’t Want Turkey’s Welp in Syria
Washington Exmainer | 01 April 2017
Pentagon vs. Turkey…

Abandoned at Sea
The Intercept | 01 April 2017
The Human Costs of unchecked immigration…

EU offers Spain veto right over Gibraltar after Brexit talks
CNBC | 01 April 2017
Brexit Political fall out…

Britain’s Brexit Bill Gives Government Unprecedented Powers
The Real News | 01 April 2017
Regulation integration nightmare..

Russia’s New Voicemail: “Press 2 For Services Of Russian Hackers, Press 3 For Election Interference”
Zero Hedge | 01 April 2017
Make it clear, it is…

Who Wants What In Washington? The One Chart Summary
Zero Hedge | 01 April 2017
DC currently boasts at least…

You Had a Hunch the News System was Rigged
JS Mineset | 31 March 2017

Traditional Christians face a double standard
National Review | 31 March 2017
Christians face double standard…

VIDEO: If Ecuador Withdraws Support And Protection From Julian Assange, It Will Be A Tragedy

YouTube | 31 March 2018

The DEA Has Stolen $3.2 Billion from Americans Without Charges Since 2007
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 31 March 2017
Land of the thief, home of…

Flynn Seeks Immunity for Testimony
CNN | 31 March 2017
Potentially represents…

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Rasmussen Reports | 31 March 2017
Friday shows that …% of Likely U.S. Voters…

1 in 3 Voters Give President Trump a Grade F
McClatchy DC | 31 March 2017
Riled up so…

WikiLeaks Reveals “Marble”: Proof CIA Disguises Their Hacks As Russian, Chinese, Arabic…
Zero Hedge | 31 March 2017
Originally blamed on…

’Assad must go’ no more: US Gov’t Shifts Priorities in Syria
RT | 31 March 2017
Weapons and training to…

Assad’s Fate ‘to be Decided by Syrian People,’ says Tillerson
RT | 31 March 2017
No major…

CBS seeks Dismissal of $750M Defamation Suit Brought by Burke Ramsey
Denver Post | 30 March 2017
CBS Looks for an Out..

Trump summit will be only US stop for Xi, says Secret Service source
S.China Morning Post | 30 March 2017
Xi World trip…

What is the Great Repeal Bill?
Another Europe | 30 March 2017
Eroding the Magna Carta?..

What the EU27 wants from Brexit
Politico | 29 March 2017
Brexit Negotiations not w/o ramifications…

How Obama’s White House weaponized media against Trump
The Hill | 29 March 2017
MSM Fears changes…

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Interview to the National Interest Magazine
The Saker | 29 March 2017
National Interest Magazine March 29, 2017…

Sen. Rand Paul: Montenegro Joining NATO Is Against U.S. Interests
Time | 30 March 2017
Congress abdicating…

EU could Break Up the US: Juncker in Jaw-dropping Threat to Trump over Support for Brexit
Express UK | 30 March 2017
Middle of an angry…

Professor Stephen Cohen Explains in 5 Minutes Why RussiaGate is 100% Fake News (Video)
The Duran | 30 March 2017
Dangerous for…

Hillary Clinton Aides had Access to State Dept. After She Left, Says Key Lawmaker
Fox News | 30 March 2017
Access to classified or top…

Trade: Where we are right now
Globe & Mail | 30 March 2017
Draft letter to Congress…

Theresa May to Urge Unity as Article 50 Letter Triggers Brexit
Sky | 29 March 2017
Manoeuvre in…

After Article 50, UK Democracy Will be ‘Chilled’ by Great Repeal Bill
Another Europe | 28 March 2017
Importing Euro bureaucracy..

Trump Sweeps Away Climate Rules Vowing `New Energy Revolution’
Bloomberg | 28 March 2017
Other policy pivots will take…

Five Eyes Allies Do Spy on One Another
Strategic Culture | 28 March 2017
During the 2010 G8 and G20…

$10 Trillion Missing from Pentagon and No One — Not Even the DoD — Knows Where It Is
Free Thought Project | 27 March 2017
No one…

Why FBI Can’t Tell All on Trump, Russia
Who What Why | 27 March 2017
Never disclosed…

How Trump’s Presidency is Succeeding
WSJ | 27 March 2017
Succeeding in his quest to ..

Shaffer: Trump Wire Tap ‘Worse Than Watergate’
YouTube | 25 March 2017
Unmask individuals and…

Senate Intel Committee Throws Hail Mary – Trots Out “1000 Russian Trolls” That Influenced Swing States With Fake News!
Zero Hedge | 30 March 2017
United States does exactly this. It’s called…

How a Hillary Superfan Ended Up Inside Trump’s Treasury
Bloomberg | 30 March 2017
Regulatory review…

Ivanka Trump Becomes Official US Government Employee
ZeroHedge | 29 March 2017
Joining her husband in…

The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate
Consortium News | 29 March 2017
Evidence is actually much stronger that…

Trump to Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan in 2017
Reuters | 29 March 2017
Speed the processes for…

May and Sturgeon unable to find common ground; Scottish parliament will vote on independence referendum
MercoPress | 29 March 2017
Brexit Comes home…

Court Bars Release of Videos made by Anti-abortion Group
AP | 29 March 2017
Grand jury had overstepped…

Nigel Farage Celebrates. Mysterious Sign Warns London Tube Passengers
The Duran | 29 March 2017
Sovereignty feels…

Russia Is Pissed: Threatens To Spill Obama Admin Secrets If US Intel Doesn’t Stop Leaking
Zero Hedge | 28 March 2017
Russian Payback…

As Trump Targets Energy Rules, Oil Companies Downplay their Impact
Reuters | 29 March 2017
Big Oil Rules repeal…

The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller
Corbett Report | 28 March 2017
Kissinger met with Trump to…

As Democratic Attorneys General Target Trump, Republican AGs Target Them
Reuters | 28 March 2017
The Gloves are off…

NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of Freedom – 2015

YouTube | 28 January 2015
Undermined by those above him…

The Transformation Of Our Nation Into A Complete Surveillance State Is Almost In Place: “You’re Known, Your Vehicle Is Known, Your Daily Itinerary, Shopping Habits… It’s All Being Recorded”
SHTF Plan | 27 March 2017
24 x 7 Surveillance is here…

Sessions Says He’ll Punish Sanctuaries, Cities Could Lose Billions of Dollars
Washington Times | 27 March 2017
ICE Detainer Request violations…

Brooklyn Prosecutor Charged with Faking Judges’ Signatures for Illegal Wiretaps
NBC NYC | 27 March 2017
Prosecutor forges signatures..

Trump Tweet:Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary Deal that Allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian Speech
Twitter | 27 March 2017
Direct Presidential Info…

Insider Reveals How DARPA Will Control Our Minds: “If Even 20% Of This Is True…”
Zerohedge | 27 March 2017
Chip Insertion is…

ARVE Error: Invalid URL in url

Zerohedge | March 2017
Details on Chip Insertion…

The 60 Minutes “Segment” On “Fake News” Illustrates Why And How The MSM Is Losing The Media War
FMShooter | 27 March 2017
MSM Fall from Grace…

Coming To An Inner-City Uprising Near You: The “Ultimate Riot Control Truck” Of The Future
Zerohedge | 27 March 2017
Uber Riot Control…

Policy Agenda for Trump Administration & GOP Congress
Zerohedge | 27 March 2017
The Itinerary..

Live: Deep State Attack of Trump Fails to Slow #Pedogate Round Up
Infowars | 27 March 2017
More Pedogate revalations…

The Next Clash Emerges: Trump-Ryan Deeply Divided Over Tax ‘Cuts’
Zerohedge | 27 March 2017
Tax Cuts showdown..

Frustrated White House Signals It’s Open to Working with Democrats
Market Watch | 26 March 2017
House Freedom Caucus…

NOHO School Budget Cuts Due to High White Student Percentage Sparks Outrage
ABC | 26 March 2017
Inverse discrimination…

Get ready for Calexit! Now Nigel Farage and the ‘Bad Boys of Brexit’ Set Their sights on splitting California in Two
Daily Mail | 26 March 2017
Against the western ‘coastal…

This Is The Nightmare Scenario For The GOP: A $2 Trillion Funding “Hole”
Zero Hedge | 26 March 2017
How you can ‘roll’ the president…

Trump “Endorses” Jeanine Pirro’s Call For Paul Ryan To Step Down
Zero Hedge | 26 March 2017
Total failure and you…

Dr. Steve Pieczenik – Neocons, ISIS, President Trump Coup
YouTube | 23 March 2017
Co-founder of Delta Force, Former State…

The Pentagon Has Never Been Audited
Guardian | 20 March 2017
Reports of waste and…

Defense Budget: Steve Pieczenik

YouTube | 18 March 2017
Cut the budget…

Merkel’s Party Easily Beats Centre-left in State Poll
Yahoo | 26 March 2017
Christian Democrats (CDU) won 40 percent against…

Fatal Attraction: The Global Populist Revolt and the New International Disorder in 2017
Project Syndicate | February 2017
World leaders and top…

Local: Federal Spending in Your State
USA Spending | 31 March 2017
Zip Code, State, By Name, By Agency…