Science & Technology – Week of 03.05.17

Tesla Humiliates Do-nothing Australian Government
Macro Business | 10 March 2017
Or it is free…

Mayhem Miller Destroying A Samsung Smart TV After Wikileaks Vault 7 Leak
YouTube | 09 March 2017
Tech commentary…

Here’s How the NYPD’s Stingray Technology Can Spy on New Yorker’s Cell Phones
NY Daily News | 09 March 2017
Don’t even have to be…

Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned: Your Smart TV is Spying On You
Brennan Center | 09 March 2017
Captured and transmitted…

Must Watch Video–45 Sec–B
Twitter | 09 March 2017
Ask the computer–hacked or not hacked…

Why EPA’s Science and Tech Office No Longer has ‘Science’ in Its Mission
CS Monitor | 09 March 2017
Standards for 2022…

Aboriginal DNA Study Reveals 50,000-Year Story of Sacred Ties to Land
The Guardian | 08 March 2017
DNA of the Outback…

‘Am I at Risk of Being Hacked? Vault 7 What You Need to Know’
The Guardian | 08 March 2017
Vault 7 Critical Info…

We Warned the American People about Naked Surveillance, but No One Listened
Ray McGovern | 08 March 2017
Warnings Un-Heeded….

Apple says most vulnerabilities in Wikileaks docs are already patched
The Crunch | 07 March 2017
Apple alleges vulnerabilities are Fixed…

Facebook Accused of Allowing Images of Child Sex Distributed to Pedophiles
RT | 07 March 2017
FB accused of Child Porn Dist…

Meet Flippy, a burger-grilling robot from Miso Robotics and CaliBurger
Tech Crunch | 07 March 2017
Solve the high…

Are We Ready for Cyborgs? The Tech Is on Its Way
Singularity Hub | 04 March 2017
More Horror Show..

We Can’t See Inside Fukushima Daiichi Because All Our Robots Keep Dying
Extreme Tech | 03 March 2017
530 sieverts vastly…

Natural Selection Is About to Be Overpowered by the First-Ever Mammalian Gene Drive
Singularity Hub | 02 March 2017
Horror Show…

Austin Welcomes Self-driving Cars with New Resolution
KXAN | 03 March 2017
Measurable interim…