Geopolitical – Week of 02.12.17

Kucinich: “The White House is Under Attack from Elements Inside the Intelligence Community!”

Kucinich: "The White House is under attack from elements inside the intelligence community!"

Kucinich: “The White House is under attack from elements inside the intelligence community!”

YouTube | 15 February 2017
(Relevant compilation in commentary) White House under Attack..

There Appears to have been No Basis for a Criminal or Intelligence Probe
National Review | 18 February 2017
More resources to undermining…

Tulsi Gabbard speaks out against the regime change war in Syria

Tulsi Gabbard speaks out against the regime change war in Syria

YouTube | 18 February 2017
Consequences of Regime Change in Syria…

Tulsi Gabbard Speaks Out Against the Regime Change War in Syria

Tulsi Gabbard speaks out against the regime change war in Syria

Tulsi Gabbard speaks out against the regime change war in Syria

YouTube | 18 February 2017
Understand the consequences…

Merkel Stresses NATO also Crucial for US
DW | 18 February 2017

Sofia Smallstorm Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts – Audio
About the Sky | 17 February 2017
Philosophies on what we …

Piers Morgan: Media Fueling ‘Crazy Hysteria’ Against Trump

Piers Morgan: Media fueling 'crazy hysteria' against Trump

Piers Morgan: Media fueling ‘crazy hysteria’ against Trump

YouTube | 15 February 2017
So called…

Jay Sekulow: Obama Should Be “Held Accountable” For The “Soft Coup” Against Trump
ZeroHedge | 18 February 2017
New rules significantly relax… N.S.A. …

Trump-Netanyahu Meeting a Vindication for Top White House Aide
Newsweek | 15 February 2017
Netanyahu approval..

Tillerson and Lavrov Meet in Bonn
Duran | 17 February 2017
Precedent by insisting that the media…

Which Nation Do Americans See As Their Greatest Enemy (Spoiler Alert: It’s Not Russia)
ZeroHedge | 18 February 2017
Chart shows the percentage…

The Deep State Targets Trump
ICH | 17 February 2017
The real crime is…

It’s a Bloodbath at the State Department
NY Post | 17 February 2017
Sign to…

Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent
Blacklisted News | 17 February 2017
Trade ravaging African…

Carson ‘Speechless’ After Top Aide Fired from HUD over Anti-Trump Op-ed
The Hill | 17 February 2017
Upset by…

The Great Wailing
ZeroHedge | 17 February 2017

The Washington Post Actually Takes Russian Government Money (Unlike The Websites It Helped Slander)
ZeroHedge | 17 February 2017
Beyond the Headlines…

At Cerberus, Feinberg Built a Web of National Security Ties
Bloomberg | 16 February 2017
Biggest current investment…

Traditional Media Firms are Enjoying a Trump Bump
Economist | 16 February 2017

Labor Secretary nominee Alexander Acosta gave ‘sweetheart deal’ to sex offender Jeffrey Epstein
NY Daily | 16 February 2017

Netanyahu on US-Israel Relationship Under President Trump
Fox News | 16 February 2017
Prime Minister talks…

Trump Does Something Right! Very Good Press Conference Today
Saker | 16 February 2017
Here is his press conference…

The Road To Hell Was Paved With College Safe Spaces
ZeroHedge | 16 February 2017
Because it’s a way to …

Fed Appeals Court: Immigrant Who Voted Illegally Can be Deported
Judicial Watch | 16 February 2017
Form sternly warns…

Feds Make Record Gains On Human Trafficking As Global Networks Broken Up
ZeroHedge | 16 February 2017

The Flynn Shafting – What ‘Fake News’ Has Not Told You #1
Nexus News | 16 February 2017
Power to…

Maryland Attorney General Frosh Awarded Expanded Power to Sue Trump Administration
Baltimore Sun | 15 February 2017
Broad authority to bypass the governor…

The Flynn Shafting – What ‘Fake News’ Has Not Told You #2
Nexus News | 14 February 2017
Commander of…

All Eyes on Tillerson’s Debut at G20 in Germany
Yahoo | 16 February 2017
Effectiveness of our joint…

Trump Asks Billionaire Steve Feinberg To Review Intel Agencies
NBC News | 16 February 2017
And other…

Michael Flynn: Minding Our Own Business vs. Saving the World
Jon Rappoport | 15 February 2017
Each “solution”…

Zero Hedge Top Stories
Zero Hedge | 16 February 2017
Top Stories..

Sorry Media — this Press Conference Played very Different with Trump’s Supporters
NY Post | 16 February 2017
Positively exuberant. His performance…

Robert Harward Rejects Trump’s Offer To Become Next National Security Advisor
ZeroHedge | 16 February 2017
Troubling if…

Trump’s F-35 Calls Came With a Surprise: Rival CEO Was Listening
Bloomberg | 16 February 2017
Air Force general…

Did the Deep State Facilitate Flynn’s Resignation? (1/2)

Did the Deep State Facilitate Flynn’s Resignation? (1/2)

Did the Deep State Facilitate Flynn’s Resignation? (1/2)

YouTube | 15 February 2017
Difference between…

Did the Deep State Facilitate Flynn’s Resignation? (2/2)
YouTube | 15 February 2017
Power struggle between…

BREAKING : Nigel Farage – You’re In For a Bigger Shock in 2017
EFD | 14 February 2017
Greater Shock…

First Big Defeat for Donald Trump as Michael Flynn Exits
Duran | 14 February 2017
Cannot see how this could possibly…

U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigns after intel leaks.
Info Wars | 14 February 2017
Jones on Flynn..

Michelle Lee Continues to Sign Issued Patents, Possible Larger Administration Role Suggested
IP Watchdog | 15 February 2017
Issa has affirmatively…

The Swamp Strikes Back
ICH | 15 February 2017
By Pepe Escobar…

The Public Should Demand to See the Michael Flynn Transcript
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 15 February 2017
Demand to See..

Fatal Error. Feinberg/Cerebus Lead Investor Dyncorp. Conflicts of Merc’s Reviewing Civil Service Intel are Profound
Twitter | 15 February 2017
Review intelligence agencies…

Americans Just Broke the Psychologists’ Stress Record
Bloomberg | 15 February 2017
Record Stress…

Rohrabacher Staffer, 71, Knocked Unconscious By Protestors Delivering Cards
CBS L.A. | 15 February 2017
Knocked Unconscious..

‘He will die in jail’: Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says
Raw Story | 15 February 2017
Die in jail..

Ashton Kutcher’s Lovefest With the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Roll Call | 15 February 2017
Kutcher on Human Trafficking…

Hillary Clinton References Pizzagate in Tweet to General Flynn
ZeroHedge | 14 February 2017

12 TSA Agents Just Indicted for Smuggling $100 Million Worth of Cocaine
Anti Media | 14 February 2017
TSA Agents Smuggling…

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn
Bloomberg | 14 February 2017

Western Interests Aim To Flummox Russia
Paul Craig Roberts | 14 February 2017
Flummox Russia..

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn
Freebeacon | 14 February 2017
Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn..

Hundreds of US Troops, Tanks Arrive in Romania
Sputnik News | 14 February 2017
US Tanks arrive in Romania..

Trump Expects Russia to ‘Return Crimea’ to Ukraine – White House
Sputnik News | 14 February 2017
Russia to Return to the Crimea..

The Left’s Alinsky Plan to Destroy the Trump Administration
Breitbart | 14 February 2017
Left’s Plan to Destroy..

The anti-Flynn ‘deep state’ coup – spelling it out in the clearest way possible
The Saker | 14 February 2017
Deep State coup..

Trump caves on Flynn Resignation
Consortium News | 14 February 2017
Trump caves..

Flynn’s Calls With Russia’s Ambassador: Who Knew What, and When?
The Atlantic | 14 February 2017
Flynn Resigns Questions..

Brother Of Kim Jong Un Assassinated In Malaysia US; “Strongly Believes” North Korea Behind Murder
Zero Hedge | 14 February 2017
Kim Jong Un Assassinated…

The Neocons and the “deep state” have neutered the Trump Presidency, it’s over folks! (UPDATED 2x)
The Saker | 14 February 2017
Trump’s Presidency is over..

Iowa Moves To Restrict Collective Bargaining For Public Sector Workers
NPR | 14 February 2017
Exempting public safety workers divides…

Merkel Might Lose After All
Spiegel | 14 February 2017
Right moment to…

Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordoñez During a Conference in 2012 | Josep Lago/AFP via Getty Images
Ex-central Bank Chief Charged Over Spanish Banking Scandal

Politico | 13 Feburary 2017
Spain Follows Iceland’s Lead…

Does China Have a Nuclear Submarine That Could Beat the U.S. Navy?
National Interest | 13 February 2017

Chinese Naval Threat…

Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn resigns
Fox News | 13 February 2017
Flynn resigns..

Giza Death Star | 13 February 2017
Earthquake Weapons…

The CIA Really Is Out to Get General Flynn
PJ Media | 13 February 2017
CIA out for Flynn..

China”Seriously Concerned And Opposed” After Trump Backs Japan Over Disputed East China Sea Islands
Zero Hedge | 13 February 2017
China seriously concerned..

Which Trump Appointee Will Be Fired First: Here Are The Odds
Zero Hedge | 13 February 2017
Odds on Fired 1st…

Juan Williams: Trump and GOP collide with reality
Juan Williams | 13 February 2017
Trump GOP collide..

Germany Picks Anti-Trump President as Trans-Atlantic Bonds Fray
Bloomberg | 12 February 2017
Stints as foreign minister…

Greece Warned Troika They are Playing with Fire
Armstrong Economics | 12 February 2017
EU will pay the…

Power Line Blog | 11 February 2017
Islamophobic False Flag??

Journalists Who Obtain Leaked Official Material Could be Sent to Prison Under New Proposals
Telegraph | 11 February 2017
Courts the power to…

Jean-Claude Juncker ‘Will not Seek Re-election’ and Warns Europe may not be United during Brexit Talks
Independent | 11 February 2017
President of the European…

The ExxonMobil near-disaster you probably haven’t heard of
Center for Public Integrity | 10 February 2017
Near Miss Lethal Gas..

Jury Hears Openings in Trial for 6 in Bundy Ranch Standoff | 09 February 2017
Up to 10 weeks…

Piers Morgan: Media Determined to Bring Trump Down

Piers Morgan: Media determined to bring Trump down

Piers Morgan: Media determined to bring Trump down

YouTube | 06 February 2017
Collusion between Democratic Party and…

Trump’s New World Order
YouTube | 05 February 2017
Look a bit like…

Action Plan for President Trump
Heartland | 17 February 2017
Clearing house of…

The Top Censored Stories of 2015-2016
Project Censored | 17 February 2017
Seventy percent..