Science & Technology – Week of 01.22.17

As Climate Change Accelerates, Floating Cities Look Like Less of a Pipe Dream
NYT| 27 January 2017

‘Can you hear me?’ Scam has Police Urging People to Hang Up Immediately
Fox News | 27 January 2017
Your cell phone rings…recording…

British Companies Are Using a Tracking Device That Monitors Their Workers’ Voices, Steps and Stress Levels
Alternet| 27 January 2017
Asked to be included…

The Incredible lunar Temple: European Space Bosses Reveal Plan for 50m High ‘Dome of Contemplation’
Daily Mail | 26 January 2017
Alongside ESA’s planned…

New Organisms have been Formed Using the First Ever 6-letter Genetic code
Science Alert | 24 January 2017
Inserted this into the E. coli’s…

Italy’s Etna Volcano Awakens with New Explosions in the New Year
Wired | 27 January 2017
By January 23, full-fledged…

China Showers 1.15 Billion Yuan on Rainmaking Project for Parched Northwest
SCMP | 24 January 2017
Three years…

Trump Administration Tells EPA to Cut Climate Page from Website: Sources
Reuters | 24 January 2017
Links and information will be…

Federal Judge in a ‘Dilemma’ over Microsoft’s Legal Case Against Government Secrecy Orders
Geek Wire | 23 January 2017
Becoming routine for the U.S. government to…

Gov. Brown Declares State of Emergency after Storms Cause Flooding, Erosion, Highway Damage
LA Times | 23 January 2017

Trump Names Net-neutrality Critic Ajit Pai as FCC Chairman
Market Watch | 23 January 2017
Huge and dynamic part of…

As Climate Change Accelerates, Floating Cities Look Like Less of a Pipe Dream
NY Times | 22 January 2017
Nautical version of a special…

John Arnold Made a Fortune at Enron. Now He’s Declared War on Bad Science
Wired | 22 January 2017
Mounting evidence…

New Science: DNA Begins as a Quantum Wave
Waking Times | 22 January 2017
Reveals that photons…

How Amazon Parties: Inside the tech Giant’s Massive Post-holiday Celebration and Concert
Geekwire | 21 January 2017
$42 billion for…