Geopolitical – Week of 11.20.16

Hundreds Arrested as Canadian Police Smash Worldwide Pedophile Ring in 2013
Christian Truther | 22 November 2016
Arrests included…

Election Therapy From My Basket of Deplorables
NY Times | 26 November 2016
Media misreading…

Jill Stein’s Recent ‘Grass Roots’ Fundraiser to Recount the Votes Raises Many Red Flags
Zero Hedge | 26 November 2016
Facts suggest otherwise…

12 Ways in Which Trump Upended Conventional Wisdom
Weekly Standard | 25 November 2016
Down ballot…

Australia Cuts Clinton Foundation Donations To $0
Zero Hedge | 25 November 2016
Ending 10…

The 1% Scheming to Halt Brexit & Bring Back Tony Blair, Leaked Memo Suggests
Sott | 23 November 2016
A memo leaked…

A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump

A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump

A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump

YouTube | 21 November 2016
Policy plans…

Trump Election: Wisconsin Prepares for Vote Recount
BBC | 26 November 2016
Pennsylvania’s deadline is Monday, and Michigan’s is…

Fidel Castro, Cuban Revolutionary Who Defied U.S., Dies at 90
NY Times | 26 November 2016
Brought the Cold War to…

Raúl Castro’s Inner Circle
NY Times | 26 November 2016

Clinton Campaign Will Participate in Stein’s State Recounts
Bloomberg| 26 November 2016
Hasn’t found…

Meet The Real “Fake News”
Zero Hedge | 25 November 2016

Russian Military Experts Prove Mustard Gas Used in Attack on Aleppo Civilians
Sputnik News | 25 November 2016
OPCW was reluctant to…

Trump’s Media Feud Enters New Era
The Hill | 25 November 2016

Washington Post Names Drudge, Zero Hedge, & Ron Paul As Anti-Clinton “Sophisticated Russian Propaganda Tools”
Zero Hedge | 25 November 2016
Washington Post states – without irony…

It’s Official: Jill Stein Files Petition For Wisconsin Recount
Zero Hedge | 25 November 2016
Federal deadline…

Jill Stein Raises Enough Money To Force Wisconsin Recount – Michigan & Pennsylvania Up Next
Zero Hedge | 24 November 2016
Allows Hillary…

Germany, 15 Other Countries Press for Arms Control Deal with Russia
Reuters | 24 November 2016
Fifteen other…

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
Mises | 23 November 2016
Sanitized collection of…

That Phone Call Between Putin and Trump…
Giza Death Star | 23 November 2016
Healthy upward trajectory, or…

Russia Is Reviving Soviet Era ICBM-Carrying “Nuclear Trains”
Zero Hedge | 23 November 2016

People Wake Up!
Saker | 23 November 2016
Neoliberal-fascist atrocities become rapidly…

Trump Offers Ben Carson HUD Secretary Job
NY Post | 23 November 2016

Denver Sheriff’s Department Fined $10K for Hiring Only US Citizens
Fox News | 22 November 2016
Immigration and Nationality Act…forbids employers…

Hampshire College In Amherst Stops Flying All Flags
Boston | 22 November 2016

Wilders Unapologetic as Dutch Hate Speech Trial Ends
Yahoo | 22 November 2016
They are people who want…

Soaring Consumer Confidence: Are Americans Happy It’s Trump, or Just Happy It’s Over?
Bloomberg | 23 November 2016
Testament to households…

Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, is a Billionaire with Deep Ties to the Christian Reformed Community
Washington Post | 23 November 2016

Trump Picks South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to be US Ambassador to UN
CNN | 23 November 2016
Hardest part…

Trump Destroys Media Stars Face to Face in His Golden Tower
Jon Rappoport | 22 November 2016
Doing the country a…

Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House
Forbes | 22 November 2016
666 Fifth Avenue…

Rural Population % of the United States Population
Trading Economies | 22 November 2016
World Bank Indicators…

Trump Transition Team Apparently Considers Democrat Congresswoman
Inquisiter | 22 November 2016

Bernie Sanders Just Outsmarted Trump And Made Him Look Clueless On Infrastructure Bill
Politicus USA | 21 November 2016

Trump and Putin Vow to Tackle ISIS Together as They Hold Breakthrough Talks After Billionaire’s Election
Mirror | 21 November 2016
How best to tackle…

Donald Trump’s Media Summit Was a ‘…Firing Squad’
NY Post | 21 November 2016
Participants agreed not to…

Bernie Sanders Exposes Corporate Media, Again
C-Span | 17 November 2016
Climate…wealth inequality…criminal justice reform…

Republican Voters Fight Election Backlash by Telling Starbucks Baristas Their Name is ‘Trump’
Daily Mail | 19 November 2016

US Police Officers Shot in Four Attacks in One Day
BBC | 21 November 2016

Keiser Report: Meme Wars

Geopolitical – Week of 11.20.16

YouTube | 21 November 2016
Media died…

Queen Elizabeth Will Invite U.S. President-elect Donald Trump for a State Visit
Breitbart | 20 November 2016
Try to cement…

Norway Slashes Clinton Foundation Donations By 87% As Political Clout Dries Up
Zero Hedge | 20 November 2016
After Saudi Arabia and…

Dems Move to Replace Elections Official Who Claimed Voter Fraud Rampant in NYC
Observer | 20 November 2016
Bus voters from poll site to…

Nassim ‘Black Swan’ Taleb Sums Up Obama’s Legacy In 3 Painfully “Real” Tweets
Zero Hedge | 20 November 2016
Exposed the intellectual yet…

Pence Raves over ‘Hamilton,’ Calls Boos What ‘Freedom Sounds Like’
Market Watch | 20 November 2016
President for all the…

The ‘United’ States Of America (Without The Electoral College)
Zero Hedge | 20 November 2016
CA., TX., …

Europe’s Leaders to Force Britain Into Hard Brexit
Guardian | 19 November 2016
Existential danger to…

The Koch Brothers’ Favorite Congressman Will Be in Charge of the CIA
Nation | 18 November 2016
Talks of executing…

Electoral Voters ‘Deluged’ With Death Threats in Multiple States
WND | 17 November 2016
Supporters have “deluged”…