Geopolitical – Week of 09.11.16

Conspiracy Theorists Think Hillary Clinton Has a Body Double. She’s Not Alone.
Yahoo | 12 September 2016
90 minutes after she…

The 9/11 Truth Movement 15 Years Later: Where Do We Stand?
The Saker | 11 September 2016
Top level academics and…

62 Syrian Troops Killed in US-led Attack
ICH | 17 September 2016
Estimated 250,000 people…

Russia Has No Partners In The West
ICH | 17 September 2016
US has used the “cease fire” to…

NY City Explosion:Video Of Blast — 25 Injuries Confirmed In Manhattan Neighborhood
Inquisitr | 17 September 2016
Pressure cooker…

Bomb Explodes on N.J. Race Route, More Shrapnel Bombs Found
Complex | 17 September 2016
Two more…

Colin Powell Leaked Emails: Israel has ‘200 Nukes All Pointed at Iran’, Former US Secretary of State Says
Independent | 16 September 2016
Cache of leaked…

Kasich to Meet With Obama to Support His Embattled TPP Trade Deal
Governing | 16 September 2016

Japanese Government Forces Okinawa to Accept US Military Bases There – Over-Rules the Governor of Okinawa
RT | 16 September 2016
Construction of..

Arizona’s Once-Feared Immigration Law Loses Most Power in Legal Settlement
Governing | 16 September 2016

Edward Snowden Who Really Rules The United States- Blow Your Mind

YouTube | 01 September 2016
No statutory…

Chaffetz Obliterates Stunned FBI Official; Serves Him With A Subpoena During Testimony

Zero Hedge | 16 September 2016
The way our constitution…

Deutsche Bank: No Plan to Pay $14B Justice Dept. Settlement
AP News | 15 September 2016
Peer banks…

Lawmakers Override Missouri Governor on Guns and Voter ID
Governing | 15 September 2016
Voters in November will be asked..

Unhappy With Results, Maine May Be First State to Adopt Ranked-Choice Voting
Governing | 16 September 2016
Rank candidates from most to least…

This Small Indiana County Sends more People to Prison than San Francisco and Durham, N.C., Combined. Why?
NY Times | 02 September 2016
Detailed look at the geography…

Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
Gallup | 14 September 2016
Fully, accurately and fairly” has…

When Pork Flies: The F-35, the Pentagon’s $1.1 Trillion Flying Money Pit, is (Sort of) Ready for Duty
Salon | 14 September 2016
Years of…

Leaked Colin Powell emails reveal Clinton’s apparent disdain for Obama
CNBC | 14 September 2016
Far more damaging are…

Oklahoma’s U.S. Senators Don’t Want Women to Register for the Draft
News OK | 13 September 2016
Urging defense bill negotiators…

House Financial Services Committee Passes Bill to Overhaul Dodd-Frank Law
WSJ| 13 September 2016
Isn’t expected to get traction…

Clinton IT aide pleads Fifth, Skips Hearing
The Hill | 13 September 2016
Defied a subpoena and…

How McMullin Hopes to Make a Never Trump Miracle
Politico | 13 September 2016
CIA officer turned…

Wild Horses No Cash Cow: 45,000 to be Killed by Bureau of Land Management
RT | 13 September 2016
Too recently “for native”…

Pneumonia Bug That Struck Hillary Clinton Also Seriously Sickened Several Members of Her Staff
People | 12 September 2016
Advisers even needed…

‘We’ll Never Have Peace’: Philippines Leader Duterte Wants to Boot US Troops Out of Country’s South
RT | 12 September 2016
“If they see Americans”…

A Lonely Post 9/11 Voice of Sanity
Undernews | 12 September 2016
Dissenting vote was Democratic Rep. …

Arrest Warrant for Democracy Now! Journalist Amy Goodman Over North Dakota Pipeline Protest
RT | 11 September 2016
Contractors using dogs and…

Hillary Clinton Faints Outside of 9/11 Event; Doctors Claim Pneumonia
WKBW | 11 September 2016
Physician said Clinton has…..

Secret Report: German Federal Intelligence Service BND Violates Laws And Constitution By The Dozen
Netpolitik | 02 September 2016
severe legal violations and files…

Panama Papers: Denmark to Pay $1.3M-Plus for Leaked Data to Probe Tax Evasion
Ars Technica | September 2016
Denmark’s move might…

Julian Assange Makes Claims that Hillary Clinton Threatened Bernie Sanders to Drop Out of Presidential Race
Inquisitr | 09 September 2016
Evidence that Jane Sanders…

Lou Dobbs Comes Out Swinging for Trump
Fox Business | 16 August 2016
Bigger than the mob our Media…

Clinton: Trump Supporters in ‘Basket of Deplorables…

YouTube | 09 September 2016
Meaning people who were…

Netanyahu is a War Criminal, Says Former Dutch PM
Electronic Intifada | 09 September 2016
Era of “unconditional”…

Elias Alias: Jury Selection In Bundy Trial Already Rigged
Oath Keepers | 07 September 2016
Judge wants total Secr…

Donald Trump & Mike Pence at Economic Club of New York
YouTube | 15 September 2016
I propose moratorium on new regulations that are not…

Pres. Duterte Has Been Featured on TRT World, An International Media

YouTube | 27 August 2016
Those killed are not…

Peak Irony: Mexico Wants To Build The Wall To Stop Illegal Immigration
Zero Hedge | 26 July 2016
But according to former DHS chief…