Solari Silver Coin: This is a one-ounce silver round designed by Ben Lizardi Communications. This coin is representative of Solari’s purpose: to align interests, and lead, guide, and help you navigate changing times.

Using the U.S. States’ Constitutional Powers to Preserve Sovereignty and Financial Freedom: How We Can Stop the Coup: This report is the culmination of a yearlong investment of time, attention, and resources by Catherine Austin Fitts and the Solari Report team. There is much that state leaders and constituents can do to protect financial freedom, without which other freedoms—such as food and health freedom—will perish. As Fitts emphasizes, “There is no doubt that we stand on the precipice of great change, which means that now is the time to take action.” (Authors: Catherine Austin Fitts, Elizabeth Murphy, Pete Kennedy, and the Solari Team) (100 pages)

Women in Art: In the compendium 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die, a paltry 48 entries are by women artists. This book by Solari Food for the Soul columnist Nina Heyn reminds us of the vital role women have played in shaping art history, whether as painters and sculptors, as subject matter, or as promoters, patrons, and collectors. Written in Nina’s engaging, non-academic style, Women in Art is a must-read not just for art enthusiasts and museum-goers but also for anyone interested in women’s contributions to our cultural heritage. (Author: Nina Heyn) (254 pages)

Bitcoin Bailout: Why a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Is a Bailout of the Big Boys: Proposals for “Bitcoin strategic reserves” are being floated at both the federal and state levels. Using taxpayers’ and state pension funds’ money to fund Bitcoin reserves serves no public purpose. If citizens want to purchase speculative digital assets in a dark market, they can, but they should not be forced to do so by government mandates that represent a reverse Robin Hood scheme where the government takes from the poor to give to the rich. What citizens could use is lower taxes, basic infrastructure, and public services that support a productive economy. (Author: Catherine Austin Fitts) (20 pages)

What the States Can Do: Building the Legal and Financial Infrastructure for Financial Freedom: To stop central bankers’ push for full financial control and to interrupt the asset grab that is underway as well as other planned takings, the necessary infrastructure and conditions of financial transaction freedom must exist, most importantly at the state and local levels. This document provides an overview of the many legislative and administrative steps that U.S. states have taken or can take to preserve financial freedom and state sovereignty. (Authors: Catherine Austin Fitts and the Solari Team) (64 pages)

Water: Water has many unique and unusual properties ​— ​in fact, more than any other substance on our planet. Yet, we often take water and its remarkable qualities for granted. In this fascinating montage of reflections on water, Ulrike Granögger, host of Solari’s Future Science Series, takes the reader on a tour of some of water’s most intriguing mysteries, helping you build intelligence about how to find, nurture, and enjoy excellent water—supporting excellent health. (Authors: Ulrike Granögger, Catherine Austin Fitts) (148 pages)

Building Wealth: Building Wealth is a curriculum, teaching the basic literacy you need to be personally and financially successful in an environment of growing centralization and control. The six pillars of Building Wealth can help each of us evolve a culture that supports the emergence of an advanced human civilization. (Authors: Catherine Austin Fitts with Ricardo Oskam) (80 pages)

SPACs: Investment Craze or Deep State Laundry?: How do central bankers engineer “boomtown” for insiders and controlled demolition for the people? The unprecedented 2020-2021 SPACs (special purpose acquisition companies) bubble provides an illuminating case study—reminding us that central bankers always make sure “there is a bull market somewhere.” (Authors: Carolyn A. Betts, Esq. and Catherine Austin Fitts) (176 pages)