A Short Preview (Login to Access the Full Interview):
“Energy Returned On Energy Invested is the single most important concept to understanding energy, alternative energy, and peak oil.”
~ Charlie Stephens
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Thanks to a highly expensive effort to maintain secrecy and generate complexity and obfuscation, most of us generally have a limited understanding of the all-important topic of energy. This week, I am delighted to welcome independent energy consultant and systems engineer Charlie Stephens to the Solari Report for a two-part interview to enlighten us on energy in the 21st century.
After spending over two decades in the Coast Guard and Navy (retiring as a Navy commander) and another 17 years as a lead policy analyst at the Oregon Department of Energy, Charlie is just the person to lead us through the thicket of complexities that surrounds energy topics. His expertise extends to energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, transportation systems and land use, economic and community development, macroeconomics, international trade, foreign policy and more.
In both Charlie’s and my estimation, a discussion of energy needs to start with the recognition that it is the central banking-warfare and industrial agriculture models and the energy-intensive control grid—and not weaponized environmental issues and “climate change” scams such as those related to carbon and nitrogen—that are the leading causes of environmental harm on the planet today. A second critical point is that for energy policy to be rational, it must take into account the concept of “energy return on investment” (EROI): a ratio that describes the amount of “energy produced in relation to the energy used to create it.”
Join us for Part I as we consider the availability of and EROI for sources of energy such as oil and gas, coal, ethanol, nuclear, hydro and geothermal, wind, and solar—as well as important unanswered questions about breakthrough energy.
Money & Markets:
This is the last week of the month, so there is no Money & Markets. The next Money & Markets will publish on September 7. Post questions at the Money & Markets commentary here.
views: 27