Join the Rogue Food team for their first-ever Florida 2022 event. Friday March 4th and Saturday March 5th at the beautiful Lighthouse Christian Center in Mayo, Florida.
Lighthouse Christian Center
772 N State Road 51
Mayo, FL 32066 United States
Mayo is in north Florida, not far from a number of major cities in Florida, just a short jaunt from Georgia, and both the gulf coast and the ocean are under two hours or less away! What more could you want in March?
Snag a ticket to the entire weekend or just to the parts you can make!
Vaccines in salads. Billionaires saying governments should only let people eat synthetic beef while buying up massive tracts of farmland. Medical passports to buy your weekly pork and produce. Year long wait lists to get into a local butcher.
Worried about your food and farmers? Rogue Food was started to educate and empower people to reclaim their fundamental right to food. To grow it. Share it. Sell it. Butcher it. Barter for it. Buy it. And more.
Join us for the first ever TWO DAY Florida Rogue Food event on March 4th and 5th, in Mayo Florida.
The event starts with an intensive rebuilding local food distribution class Friday morning. Then, a limited number of seats are available at our beloved VIP Friday evening event, with a fabulous dinner and multiple hours of social time with the speakers.
Then wake up bright, early, and energetic for Saturday’s presentations and panel discussions, featuring real food farmers, thinkers, and fighters. But first enjoy a real food breakfast to fuel the fire we hope to put in your belly for food freedom!
Joel Salatin, Dave and Ginger Shields, Michael Kilpatrick, Bradley Bearsdall, John Moody, and many others will present throughout an educational and empowering day that will equip you to build food independence for yourself and your community.
And in the middle of it, another real food meal will keep your belly and body happy so your brain can enjoy the day!
Learn about PMAs, creative circumvention, successful non-compliance and push back, buying clubs and other alternative local food approaches, building community, beating the government, and more.
To learn more about our Florida event please click HERE.