“You are stronger than you think you are.” ~ Wim Hof
By Catherine Austin Fitts
We are delighted to announce an extraordinary man as our hero for an extraordinary year: Wim Hof.
Throughout 2021, Wim Hof has taught us how to get our power back—our original power and physical strength that have eroded over the last 100 years.
Since reconnecting with his body’s power from the inside out, Wim Hof has taught millions how to eliminate stress, inflammation, and disease. His Wim Hof Method involves breathing exercises and connecting to the life force around us and our consciousness, as well as cold therapy, a relatively easy way to put pressure on our system to strengthen the physical body.
Yes, the Wim Hof Method requires commitment. But the method is free, it is easy, and you can do it anywhere at any time. Results can come quickly.
And because nothing is more important than maintaining your health and strength in 2022, we think that the Wim Hof Method can help you do this. That is why our
Holiday Greeting message reads as follows:
“As a gift to Solari Report subscribers, we have arrranged for the Wim Hof Fundamentals Course to be available at a 50% discount in the first two weeks of January. We will email your coupon to you on New Year’s Eve. This is a great one to add to your New Year’s Resolutions!
We are also offering to send a free copy of The Wim Hof Method to the first 50 Solari Report subscribers who report they are struggling—whether personally or with someone they love—with harm from Covid-19 restrictions or Covid-19 injection injury, death, or related depression and would like to give the Wim Hof Method a try. These come with our prayers for you or your loved one’s full recovery to vibrant health and happiness. Just post a ticket to Solari Support if you would like to participate. Books will be distributed to subscribers on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you have pre-existing heart and medical conditions, make sure to check with your health care practitioners before you begin using the Wim Hof Method.”
Last month, Ulrike Granögger and I drove to Wim Hof’s compound in the Netherlands to interview him about his efforts to teach the Wim Hof Method worldwide and the breakthroughs that scientists and doctors have now documented after studying his discoveries. The interview will be posted shortly and will be linked here. Please watch and circulate it – it will be public for all to see. This is a great interview to inspire your New Year’s Resolutions for 2022.
Thank you, Wim, for building up what some men have tried to tear down. As you would say, “All the power, all the love.”
Related Links
Wim Hof’s website
Related Solari Reports
Catherine’s Book Review of The Wim Hof Method