You really want to read the written presentation for The State of Our Currencies – the world will make sense! Here are some of the comments from subscribers so far:
Thank you for the amazing “The State of Our Currencies.” You have beautifully explained and illustrated a highly complex subject involving the most critical elements of our modern civilization and governance structures in a simple to understand, yet comprehensive treatise. It is truly masterful in that both a novice and an expert can immensely benefit. We have been giving them away to friends and acquaintances and have just ordered another ten. It is so important to have something of this quality and sophistication to offer people who are starting to wake up and then ask big questions like… “what do you mean by a global financial reset?
You made a great job with the last wrap up – congratulations. it looks fantastic!
I’m a new subscriber and got the “State of Our Currencies” report last week. I never thought a financial report could be the proverbial “page turner“… Thanks for the education…glad to be here…
I finished reading the main section (pp. 16-71) of The State of our Currencies last night. I had a number of reactions while reading it:
First, I’m impressed with the clarity and precision of the writing. The level of professionalism here is very high and it’s immediately obvious. The paragraphs build and elucidate very complex ideas and they always do so clearly. Which is not easy to do.
Second, you’re connecting the dots in a way that no one else has (as far as I know). Many of your insights are simply jaw-dropping. I congratulated Robert Dupper on the new print design recently. But I really have to congratulate you on seeing so many important connections, particularly those regarding where we’re headed. I believe that you’re the first to so on this subject…which is remarkable.
Third, my overall reaction is that the vision is absolutely chilling. We’re not just witnessing the destruction of our culture–we’re talking about the destruction of life on this planet. There may be people walking around, but they’re not going to be alive. And they are most certainly not going to be free. This is a tough picture to swallow.
What is especially difficult to contemplate is that your vision in unfolding before us in a way that’s largely invisible. Thankfully, you’ve illuminated it for those of us who are curious. But a great many people are following the Judas goat. Due to the mind control, I’m occasionally one of them myself.
Thanks for doing such great work, especially with such wonderful quality, and for helping us all!
So good I have to give my to my son. Send me another. Great information!
I want to thank you warmly for having sent me TWO
Complementary copies of your report, which I am greatly enjoying reading, & relearning and rediscovering much. The second copy will go to a good friend who will also enjoy reading it, I am sure.
All this and my initial year’s subscription will have expired some months ago, I am sure.
I will be paying my dues shortly!
My very best wishes to you.
The State of Our Currencies: Magnificent and magisterial, Catherine! This is undoubtedly the most profound and thorough analysis of our current situation. Astonishing insight. Thank you so much!
The State of Our Currencies is remarkable and ties together many of the dots I have had running around in my brain for some years – ever since I started my personal quest to understand what on earth is going on in our world.
I started in the book of Genesis and immediately saw that God created our world by speaking it – sound – vibration – frequencies – and I saw that as the power source for everything. For some reason I studied Tesla next and saw the same results. Also, with CERN, then DARPA, then HAARP.
I moved toward mind control and that whole arena and listened to many and varied presenters – always seeking the same thing – what makes our world work as it does. Who are the puppet masters? What are the Bilderbergs, Club of Rome, CFR, Masons, and the hundreds of secret societies that have been here since time began…what are they doing?
Your report nails it and, delightfully, in a way any of us can understand. It is most readable and warm.
Sadly, it appears that not much can be done by us individuals, except to educate ourselves and others. But foreknowledge and preparation are key to survival on any level and I thank you for providing that!
State of Our Currencies is outstanding. This type of integrated analysis is available nowhere else.
Currencies is your best work to date, beyond words. You must be chuffed.
Thank you Catherine! Your amazing report “The State of our Currencies” was remarkable. It is an incredible foundation of knowledge. As a new member and a finance guy, this report was mind-blowingly good. I have already read through it twice and taken some notes. The knowledge and wisdom in the report is presented in such a logical manner but kept me fully engaged and interested the entire time. The first time I read through the report I couldn’t put it down. Once I finished reading your red button story at the end I realised 2 hours had zipped by so quickly and there could have been a storm going right past me and I wouldn’t have noticed. I have printed this report out and will be keeping it to support the foundational context of the state of play. This gives me the knowledge to make the best decisions for my health, finance, safety and self-development for the next few years. I used to think I had a macro view on the state of play around the world. I used to think I understood leaders motivations. I used to think I understood the central banking model and their ambitions. But I didn’t. After reading this report I now have a gigantically expanded lens which I view the world and so many small issues have been put into perspective. I now have some real answers to the questions I have recently been asking ‘Who runs the world?’ and ‘How does the world really work?’ I must say when I finished reading I was left with less optimism, but the truth and reality tend to do this from my experience. Ultimately, I am grateful to no longer be as ignorant, to be even more open-minded, wiser and more clear in my mission thanks to your great work on this report.
This incredible written work of synthesis and circumspection could be described as “Divine Human Twenties: Planetary Currencies, Systems and Storms.” By itself, it is worth an annual subscription to The Solari Report. Those who have evaluated complex, contested and censored topics will appreciate this coherent framework for evaluating the known, unknown and unthinkable opportunities of the 2020s.
Excellent report, thanks!
The optimist in me was thinking that Covid would be temporary. Not so much … Very Very Helpful…
Fantastic report – simply amazing!
Bravo on this final installment of the State of Our Currencies. So glad you took the time to do it right. Brilliant synthesis of all the Solari themes. The end was quite poignant – choosing to be a DIVINE HUMAN. Reminded me of one of my favorite quotes by Gene Roddenberry, “We are on a journey to keep an appointment with whatever we are.”
This was extremely well done. Kudos.
Catherine, this is an incredibly well-written piece in a very concise and to-the-point manner. I run a small university and would like to incorporate your thoughts and report into our curriculum in economics, finance, and theology, and other general studies.
Wow! What an amazing piece of work. A tour de force. You have outdone yourself on this one, and it was definitely worth the wait. It has become a cliché to talk about ‘the big picture’ and ‘connecting the dots’ but in this important report you have definitely presented both and you have given a real understanding of what’s going on around us. I am sure many more things will become evident to me as I re-read and think about what you’ve written. I wonder what people will say when they read ‘The State of Our Currencies’ 50 years from now. Will they say, “Catherine Austin Fitts gave us the framework for the map of the world which led us back to humanity” or will they say, “She tried to warn us and show us what was happening so we had the chance to change direction but we blew it.”