“Become Nothing, and he will turn you into Everything.” ~ Rumi
By Brigitte Mouchet
Hardly a day goes by without getting a message in my inbox warning me about the dangers of this or that food, condition, or activity. I usually glance at the title but rarely open the email. Marketing gurus have invaded the wellness industry, and they are not very subtle about it. But that is not the point I’d like to make.
What I’d like to say is that we, as humans, have so much more power than we think—over not only our environment but also our genes. This is the field of epigenetics. This week, I discuss epigenetics with Charan Surdhar, a geneticist turned epigeneticist. Charan has a passion for helping people overcome feeling like a victim. Instead, she helps them find a state of freedom that is much more conducive to health, and where almost anything is possible.
Epigenetics is real. I invite you to listen to my interview with Charan. She discusses the basics of genetics and epigenetics as well as her experience with cases of diseases caused by genetic mutations that were successfully reversed. The most interesting part, I think, is to realize how our emotions can affect our gene expression. And this is something we should all be aware of.
Hero of the Week:
Each and every person—for every trouble they are facing—is a hero.
Let’s Go to the Movies:
Bursting the Bubble on Genes is a fun video created by Charan Surdhar and is a great introduction to the interview.
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