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Read the transcript of Sneaky Treaties: Globalists and the Corruption of International Law with Amy Benjamin
“For the past twenty-five years a quiet doctrinal war has been raging around the sources of international law. One group of scholars, convinced of the need to take bold action to address certain matters of global concern, have sought to introduce a new set of secondary rules more enabling of the expansion of international law’s empire. At the international level their aim has been to degrade the consensual nature of conventional obligation; at the domestic level, to diminish the role in international lawmaking of a nation’s most sovereignty-minded institutions.” ~ Amy Benjamin
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week, Amy Benjamin returns to The Solari Report to educate us about the use of international treaties to circumvent domestic political process and law.
Amy is a legal scholar and lecturer in Public International Law at Auckland University of Technology Law School. Her research centers on the evolution of the concept of state sovereignty from the Thirty Years’ War to the present and on the asymmetric aspects of the laws of war. She has published about government secrecy, international treaties, and 9/11.
In this interview, Amy does her usual masterful job of unpacking this highly complex, important topic. We cover:
- The “quiet doctrinal war” raging around international law
- How secondary rules become law when they have not been approved legislatively as part of the treaty process
- Some examples: the Paris Climate Agreement, the Global Compact for Migration, and the Arms Trade Treaty
- Who’s who and who is doing this—the role of legal scholars, nongovernmental organizations, and their funders
- The opposition—who has been protecting us from this weaponization of international law
- The tie-in to technocracy, secrecy, ESG investing, and increased centralization—and the use of legal complexity to create leverage out of thin air
- What we can do
Amy’s work to bring transparency to efforts to sabotage democratic process through international treaties dovetails powerfully with her writings on how secrecy is engineered. If you have not listened to our interview with Amy on “The Many Faces of Secrecy,” you will find it very helpful to understand how so much of the national security state stays invisible.
This interview is an important complement to our discussion on the adoption of FASAB 56 and the awarding of the DOD JEDI contract. If the U.S. Congress is no longer in control of the issuance of our money supply, is no longer in control of the appropriations and spending process and the power of the purse, and does not authorize wars and international treaties, what exactly does the U.S. Congress do? If you are a U.S. voter and taxpayer, what exactly does your Congressman do? This is why we are publishing a poster on the missing money every week between now and the November 2020 elections. #my212020.
For Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review The Cleaners, a documentary about scores of people in the Philippines who watch and delete offensive and violent postings to social media.
Please e-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post them at the Money & Markets commentary here.
Talk to you Thursday!