My Mayor
Members of My City Council
My Sheriff
My Governor
My Attorney General
My State Representative
My State Senator
My Elected Judges
RE: Your Copy of The Real Game of Missing Money, Volume I
DATE: [Date]
Dear [Title and Name]:
Enclosed please find a copy of the Solari Report’s The Real Game of Missing Money, Part 1. In it, you will find essential documents recommended by Catherine Austin Fitts to do due diligence on U.S. government and related securities.
In October 2018, while most Americans were focused on the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the U.S. Congress and Executive branch adopted Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) Statement 56, an accounting policy that renders U.S. government financial statements essentially meaningless. This follows many years of undocumentable adjustments at the U.S. Departments of Housing and Urban Development and Defense, now totaling over $21 Trillion. Fitts believes the issuance of FASAB 56 is a “material event” in its impact on the credit of U.S. Treasuries and related securities and recommends that citizens and investors take note, particularly in light of the accelerating growth of outstanding federal debt.
As one of the leading state and local officials in my jurisdiction, I would like to know your thoughts as to what we should do at the state and local levels to protect ourselves and our communities from this deterioration in the U.S. federal credit. What can we do to reverse this situation?
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Best regards,