Unanswered Questions – 4th Quarter 2018

Video: Class Action Lawsuit for Targeted Individuals
Bitchute | 02 May 2018

Video: Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory “Brain Invaders” Season 3 Episode 8 – 12/17/2012
Bitchute | 13 March 2018

2005: The Mineta Testimony: 9/11 Commission Exposed
911 Truth | 22 July 2005

2014: JFK Assassination – LBJ & Hoover Discuss JFK Murder Phone Conversation | Rare

JFK Assassination - LBJ & Hoover Discuss JFK Murder Phone Conversation | Rare

JFK Assassination – LBJ & Hoover Discuss JFK Murder Phone Conversation | Rare

Assassination of JFK | 05 February 2014

Spectacular Light Show In Kenner Louisiana – You Have to see this!

Victurus Libertas VLTV | 28 December 2018

Mysterious Blue Flash Lights Up NYC Skies – NO, NOT ALIENS

Victurus Libertas VLTV | 28 December 2018
More in Science category

New Yorkers Fear ‘Alien Invasion’ After Mysterious Blue Light Floods City Skyline
Zero Hedge | 28 December 2018

2013: Paul Root Wolpe: Kurzweil’s Singularity Prediction is Wrong (YouTube Geek Week!)

Paul Root Wolpe: Kurzweil's Singularity Prediction is Wrong (YouTube Geek Week!) | Big Think

Paul Root Wolpe: Kurzweil’s Singularity Prediction is Wrong (YouTube Geek Week!) | Big Think

Big Think | 06 August 2013

Jian Liang Wall Street Insider’s Absolute Mind Control Testimony 19 Dec 2018

Jian Liang Wall Street Insider's Absolute Mind Control Testimony 19Dec2018

Jian Liang Wall Street Insider’s Absolute Mind Control Testimony 19Dec2018

WhyIsThisTrue? | 24 December 2018

Paradise # 44 ~ TWO Veteran Fire Captains SPEAK OUT @ CA Fires w/ Supposedly Shelly
aplanetruth.info | 21 December 2018

Arkansas Swamp Part II: Spotlight on Clinton Foundation
Coreys Digs | 20 December 2018

FACT CHECK: 29 Scientists Killed by AI Robots in Japan
Earn The Necklace | 19 December 2018

The United States are preparing a war between Latin-American states
Voltairenet | 18 December 2018

Arkansas Swamp Bleeds as Clintons Circle The Drain
Coreys Digs | 24 November 2018

Those Nevada Air Force Drills: Who’s the Target?
Giza Death Star | 17 December 2018

UFO MYSTERIES | An In-Depth Exploration

Mouthy Buddha | 20 December 2018
Here comes the “Alien Threat”???

Is The Clinton Foundation Under Investigation?

Black Pilled | 14 December 2018

Dustin Nemos & Ginny Silcox on DE Weaponry and the State of the Tech

Dustin Nemos2 | 12 December 2018

Remember that General’s “Little Green Men”
Giza Death Star | 11 December 2018

Radar mystery hasn’t been solved yet | Webb
Courier Press | 11 December 2018

“This Planet will be Theirs.”David Jacobs on the Richard Dolan Show. Dec. 10, 2018

"THIS PLANET WILL BE THEIRS." David Jacobs on the Richard Dolan Show. Dec. 10, 2018.

“THIS PLANET WILL BE THEIRS.” David Jacobs on the Richard Dolan Show. Dec. 10, 2018.

Richard Dolan Show | 10 December 2018

ON THE GROUND in California Directed Energy Weapon PROOF
RichieFromBoston | 07 December 2018

Operation “Timber Sycamore” continues
Voltairenet | 14 December 2018

Freak Firestorms & Fall of Phaeton / Hyakutake to Hendaye -Cosmography101-4.3 w/ Randall Carlson ’06

Freak Firestorms & Fall of Phaeton / Hyakutake to Hendaye -Cosmography101-4.3 w/ Randall Carlson '06

Freak Firestorms & Fall of Phaeton / Hyakutake to Hendaye -Cosmography101-4.3 w/ Randall Carlson ’06

GeoCosmic REX | 07 December 2018

The Mysterious Hidden Letter from Bush funeral Was also Given to few Others

MOST NEWS | 08 December 2018

The relationship between George HW Bush, Bill Clinton and America’s biggest drug importer
Undernews | 08 December 2018

What in the world really happened at the Bush funeral?
State of the Nation | 08 December 2018

Hillary Clinton Receives Surprise Envelope At George H.W. Bush's Funeral...

Hillary Clinton Receives Surprise Envelope At George H.W. Bush’s Funeral…

The Clover Chronicle | 05 December 2018

What Was In The Mystery Envelopes That Hillary, Biden And Pence Received At Bush’s Funeral?
The Daily Coin | 08 December 2018

Clinton Foundation ‘Pay to Play’ Model Under Investigation [Infographic]
The Epoch Times | 05 December 2018

Conga Lines Of USAF Airlifters Filled The Night Sky Across U.S. For Joint Forcible Entry Drill
The Drive | 08 December 2018

No foul play suspected in deaths of two workers U.S. research station in Antarctica
Reuters | 13 December 2018

2 technicians killed at Antarctica science station
AP News | 12 December 2018

BOMBSHELL: Evidence of 9/11 Controlled Demolition to go before Special Grand Jury
DC Clothesline | 04 December 2018

2015: Is Reality a Hologram?
Uplift Connect | 06 August 2015

Paradise Lost # 20 ~ @ 50,000 Murdered !!!…A Matter of Genocide; Copy and Share

Aplanetruth | 03 December 2018

REALIST NEWS – Did you see Jeb Bush’s Reaction during the funeral when reading note from Laura Bush?
jsnip4 | 03 December 2018

The Dan Bongino Show: Ep. 863 It’s About To Hit The Fan – In this episode I address the scandalous connections between the players in the Uranium One scandal and the recent actions by the Mueller witch-hunt team
Sound Cloud | 03 December 2018

TW: I Don’t Think Donald Trump Is Here to Save the Children (Mk Ultra Survivor Speaks)
Katy Groves | 26 August 2018

Paradise Lost #16 ~ PT. 1; “THIS IS MASS MURDER” …The Victims Speak Out and Share Their Stories

Aplanetruth | 01 December 2018

Repost from 2016: David Icke Exposes George H W Bush

David Icke| 04 December 2016

“Too Perfect to be Natural”: Those Strange Seismic Waves
Giza Death Star | 05 December 2018


The Real MLordandGod | 04 December 2018

MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation! – Must WATCH (with Richard Gage & Barbara Honegger)

World Alternative Media | 01 December 2018

Lawyers Committee for 9-11 Inquiry | December 2018

From 1992: The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior – Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992) Part 1 of 2

The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior - Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992)  Part 1 of 2

The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior – Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992) Part 1 of 2

Alternative View TV | 31 March 2011

From 1992: The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior – Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992) Part 2 of 2

The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior - Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992)  Part 2 of 2

The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior – Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992) Part 2 of 2

Alternative View TV | 31 March 2011

From 1988: WAR on DRUGS reality: Former CIA case officer John R. Stockwell REVEALS & views Elections (1988)

WAR on DRUGS reality: Former CIA case officer John R. Stockwell REVEALS & views Elections (1988)

WAR on DRUGS reality: Former CIA case officer John R. Stockwell REVEALS & views Elections (1988)

Alternative View TV | 10 March 2011

Paradise Lost # 11 ~ “Forest Fire” My Ass ~ This Is a Matter of Genocide

Aplanetruth| 26 November 2018

Repost of 2017 Video as background for Paradise Lost #11 Discussion above.
2017: Exclusive Interview with Fire Captain on Origins of CA Fires

Aplenatruth | 03 November 2017

U.S. Attorney Takes First Step toward Prosecuting Explosive Destruction of World Trade Center on 9/11
AE911Truth | 27 November 2018

Visiting aircraft carrier suspected of causing electronic havoc
Asia Times | 24 November 2018

Scientists Suggest ‘Dimming The Sun’ to Solve Global Warming
Breitbart | 23 November 2018

Dan Bongino – Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History

TJ Singh | 22 November 2018

James & Joanne Moriarty – Liberated From Al Queda Prisoners in the United States

Jason Goodman | 18 November 2018

2018 11 18 Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes

Simon Parkes | 17 November 2018

Irish Authorities Are Investigating After Multiple Pilots Report Strange UFO’s off Irish coast…

Destination Declassified | 16 November 2018

Global Climate Scandal: The CA Fires Are Caused By “Illegal And Ongoing Geoengineering”
SHTF plan | 14 November 2018

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW): Compilation of Videos, photos, links and stories
Chem Trail Planet | November 2018

Indications of nefarious testing at underground facility
Skyships over Cashiers | 14 November 2018

The Genocidal California Fire Operation

Terra Times | 11 November 2018

ENEMY @ THE FRONT DOOR: Fire at 3:44

SGT Report | 11 November 2018
2017: Rothschild & Co Names Homer Parkhill and Stephen Antinelli as Co-Heads of Restructuring in North America
PRN Newswire | 30 October 2017

Interstellar object may have been alien probe, Harvard paper argues, but experts are skeptical
CNN | 06 November 2018
Astronomers to Check Mysterious Interstellar Object for Signs of Technology
The Atlantic | 11 December 2017

Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, The Netherlands
Health Nut News | 05 November 2018

Steven M. Greer, founder of the ‘Disclosure Project’ exposes the secret plan and agenda of the hidden global elite to use advanced “man-made” technology to declare war on mankind’ under the ‘pretense’ of a threat from space

The Cosmic False Flag – Steven Greer | December 2018

China Boosts Antarctic Presence With Planned Permanent Airbase, Cites “Strategic Needs”
Zero Hedge | 01 November 2018

Will Bryan Singer’s Attempt To Preempt Esquire’s Expose Work?
Disobedient Media | 28 October 2018

MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul
Control In Government, Wall Street,And The Secret Space Program

Stop the Crime | October 2018

Georgia construction workers find roughly 1,000 human teeth hidden inside wall
Fox News | 31 October 2018

Bones Are Found in Rome, Renewing Speculation in 1983 Disappearance
NY Times | 31 October 2018

‘Whitey’ Bulger killed at federal prison in West Virginia
MSN | 30 October 2018

Panic, The Deep State Projection In Full Force, Anons Know Why – Episode 1699b
X22 Report | 25 October 2018

2016: A Brief History Of Arctic Angst
The GWPF | 21 November 2016

NASA Finds Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg In Antarctica As If It Was Deliberately Cut
Forbes | 22 October 2018

NWO Black Budget Exposed: $21 Trillion “Exchange Stabilization Fund”
News Paradigm | 21 October 2018

Audio: Earth Science: Scientists Discover a Weird Noise Coming From Antarctic Ice Shelf

Ghostly sounds of a vibrating Antarctic Ice Shelf

Ghostly sounds of a vibrating Antarctic Ice Shelf

Gizmodo | 16 October 2018

‘Very strange’: Mysterious bright purple sky sparks numerous conspiracy theories (VIDEO)

RT | 16 October 2018

2017: ‘Huge MISSILE hit the Pentagon on September 11’ Army General’s EXPLOSIVE claim resurfaces
Daily Star | 09 January 2017

Tom DeLonge denies To The Stars Academy is $37 million in debt
Alt Press | 15 October 2018

Tom DeLonge’s UFO Organization Is $37.4 Million in Debt
Motherboard Vice | 15 October 2018

As U.S. Polls Tighten the Signs All Point to Hillary
Tom Luongo | 15 October 2018

Richard Dolan on UFOs and Nukes in U.S. History (Citizens Hearing) Recorded 4/30/2013

Richard Dolan on UFOs and Nukes in U.S. History (Citizens Hearing)

Richard Dolan on UFOs and Nukes in U.S. History (Citizens Hearing)

Richard Dolan| 14 October 2018

What exactly is this?’ Mysterious light is spotted in the night skies of China
Daily Mail | 12 October 2018

Colliding stars or alien solar sails? Detection rate of mysterious space signals doubles
RT | 11 October 2018

Do Mexico’s Cartels Have WMDs?
Disobedient Media | 10 October 2018

The Still Unsolved Mystery of the Eugene Signal

The Still Unsolved Mystery of the Eugene Signal

The Still Unsolved Mystery of the Eugene Signal

Truthstream Media | 10 October 2018

Globalist CFR: G9 Committee Must Save “World Order” From Trump
The New American | 09 October 2018

“Like A Ritz-Carlton Underground” – Paranoid Hampton Billionaires Build Luxury Panic Rooms Amid MS-13 Threat
Zero Hedge | 07 October 2018

Ret. Fire Captain John Lord ~ Reflections on the 1 yr. Anniversary of the NorCal Fires

aplanetruth.info | 04 October 2018

“No Plane hit the Pentagon” – Gen. Albert Stubblebine

NuoVisoCom | 13 September 2018

American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
UNZ | 10 September 2018

An Appeal to Patriots: It is my belief that Q is a…
Paste Bin | 10 August 2018

Walter Burien discusses governmental financial wrongdoing as exposed in CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) in 2012
CAFR1 | 12 August 2018
The Way it is – Corporatism and the TRFA
CAFR1 | 21 July 2018
The Big Picture of: “Government Wealth vs. Private Sector Wealth”
CAFR1 | 04 July 2018
The following is a sample listing of 2013 local government CAFRs
CAFR1 | 2018

Clinton Crime Family’s 50 Organizations: Tick Tock
Coreys Digs | 22 July 2018

The REAL Eyes Wide Shut

Jay Myers Documentaries | 15 July 2018

Q – The Plan To Save The World (Subtitles)

Storm Is Upon Us | 30 June 2018

Jon Wedger (ITNJ Seating): The International Tribunal for Natural Justice launched the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse at an inaugural seating in Westminster, London on April 16-18th 2018

Jon Wedger (ITNJ Seating)

Jon Wedger (ITNJ Seating)

International Tribunal for Natural Justice | 04 June 2018

Ronald Bernard ~ Fmr. Dutch Banker (ITNJ Seating)

Ronald Bernard ~ Fmr. Dutch Banker (ITNJ Seating)

Ronald Bernard ~ Fmr. Dutch Banker (ITNJ Seating)

International Tribunal for Natural Justice | 04 June 2018

The Clinton Body Count
Twitter | 02 June 2018

Hi-Tech War Crime Report (PDF)
Declassified Documents | 21 April 2018

Mueller’s History of Cover-Ups
DIg Within | 08 April 2018

The Globalist Purge: UN Invasion, Martial Law, Walmart Closings, & FEMA Camps

The Black Banners of the East Satellite Station | 21 March 2018

Could it be a REAL invisibility cloak? Chinese web users amazed by transparent cloth which makes a person disappear
Daily Mail | 08 December 2017

David James, Baron James of Blackheath
Wikipedia | November 2018

Giza Death Star | 31 July 2017

Atlantis and Inner Earth Mysteries – ROBERT SEPEHR

Atlantis and Inner Earth Mysteries - ROBERT SEPEHR

Atlantis and Inner Earth Mysteries – ROBERT SEPEHR

Atlantean Gardens| 13 June 2016

Lord James of Blackheath Appears to be Quite Alive (according to the House of Lords Website)
Kauilapele | 05 March 2012

Lord James of Blackheath – 15 Trillion dollars and 750 thousand metric tonnes of gold 16th Feb 2012

billyboy212012 | 19 February 2012

Go To: Unanswered Questions – 3rd Quarter 2018