By Catherine Austin Fitts
Back in the USA: It’s Time to Jump the Curve!
Review of Markets
- AI Superpowers: China passing us in tech; push for 5G and the cloud is to get the data needed for AI
- Jack Ma intends to jump the curve on AI and robotics
- Siri & Alexa: “Its”, not “She”: This is mind control; don’t fall for it
- The Boys Strike Again – Gender ‘X’: New York City to add third gender option to birth certificates: Real deal – anticipating robots made citizens and taxed as workers Oregon, California, Washington, New Jersey, New York (Tech and Money Centers) Massachusetts has on drivers licenses.
- Google Video post election leaks: mind controlled techies can not compete with people who do understand the world
- Dollar Trouble: Not price; Extreme Actions to Protect the Dollar
- Submerging Markets: Venezuela, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Russia
- 80% dive in Cryptocurrencies: Dump in, pump and dump.
- Hague Judges Threatened with Financial Sanctions
- Fed Financial Squeeze; US Interest Expense Ballooning
- Global interest rates: From Negative to 13%
- Eastern Economic Forum
- US Proposes China Trade Talks; China Sweettalks Multinationals;Pressure on Taiwan
- Economist, Council on Foreign Relations: Why the West Got China Wrong
- Russia and China: War Games, Eastern Economic Forum, Alibaba does 10% deal with Mail.Ru Group – Russian Internet Leader
- Swamp Drama: White House Counsel
- $21 Trillion Missing Money
- What’s Up with Hurricane Florence?
- Vatican calls summit of Biships in February on sex abuse
- Palestinian Genocide: War with Iran; Mattis to Afghanistan
AI & Robotics – see the signs
Dollar Trouble & Submerging Markets
China & Russias Alliance Building
Other Stories
and more….
The Asheville Line Up: Dr. Mark Skidmore, Jon Rappoport, Alan Phillips + More
Let’s Go to the Movies
Haute Cuisine
Subscriber Charts: September 12, 2018
Set One: Asia, Commodities, Precious Metals, Brazil
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