Net Neutrality: Why Congressman Marsha Blackburn Will Lose the Tennessee Senate Race

Blackburn betrayed you. She took $497,499 from Telecoms, then she voted to let them sell your web history without your permission. Ask her why, call 615.591.5161 ~ Billboards in Blackburn’s District

Our collective disdain of regional monopolies like Comcast and AT&T is one of the very few things that tends to bridge the nation’s deep, partisan divides. Blackburn may just be about to figure that out the hard way. ~ Karl Bode

By Catherine Austin Fitts


Someone sent me an article by Karl Bode published recently by Motherboard explaining the reasons why my Congressman Marsha Blackburn is likely to lose her bid to replace retiring Senator Bob Corker in the Senate race in Tennessee. It’s well worth a read.

Congress’s Biggest Opponent of Net Neutrality Is Getting Destroyed in Midterm Election Polls – Marsha Blackburn is trying to jump from the House to the Senate—and is losing by 10 points to a Democrat in Tennessee, a state Donald Trump won by 26 points.

I thought I would contribute to the understanding of “on the ground” economic details of why Blackburn is in political trouble. Given the facts, it’s likely to get much worse after the August primary when Blackburn has to face off against former Tennessee Governor and Nashville Mayor Phil Bredesen.

Bode refers in his piece to pressure on the Republicans to persuade Corker not to retire. The Republican Senate majority is holding on right now by one seat – making a Blackburn loss particularly painful for the Republican Party and administration.

Unfortunately, this is a loss that will be well deserved. I say unfortunately as Blackburn first went to Washington as a friend to small business who voted against the bailouts twice. If you look at the quality of my telecommunication services and the costs, you will understand why I say that Blackburn is no longer a friend to small business.

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