The Isenheim Altarpiece

“Ubi eras, bone Jesu, ubi eras, quare non ad juvares et vulnera mea sanares? – Where were you, good Jesus, where were you? Why did you not help to salve my wounds?” ~The Question of St Anthony on The Temptation of St Anthony on the Isenheim Altarpiece

On our return from Basel to the Netherlands, we stopped in Colmar, France to visit the Musée Unterlinden to see the Isenheim Altarpiece.

Thomas Meyer was insistent that we see the Temptation of St Anthony that shows an attack on St Anthony by the demons. Thomas discussed such attacks in modern times in our interview on “The Future of Europe” which we will publish next week on the Solari Report.

Below is his article on the painting from The Present Age.

TPA The Temptation of St.Anthony (PDF)

The experience was well worth the detour – more beauty for the soul, more intelligence to manage and withstand the demons.

Related reading

Musee Unterlinden

Unterlinden Museum on Wikipedia

Trip Photos