Money & Markets – Week of 05.21.17

Why Bitcoin Just Dropped 30%
Fortune | 27 May 2017
Fist in Coconut Syndrome…

Global Pension Underfunding Will Grow To $400 Trillion Over Next 30 Years: World Economic Forum
Zero Hedge | 26 May 2017
Pension Black Hole Grows…

Mark Zuckerberg Joins Silicon Valley Bigwigs in Calling for Government to Give Everybody Free Money
Yahoo | 26 May 2017
Something for Nothing Propaganda…

Alibaba to Lead $1B Funding for Food Delivery Startup
RT | 25 May 2017
More Retail Changes..

Cashless, Cyber-Security, AI and Insanity
JP Farrell | 25 May 2017
Cashless Insanity Exposed…

Illinois Democrats In Senate Pass 33% Hike Of Personal And Corporate Income Taxes
Zero Hedge | 23 May 2017
Sticker Shock to the Nines…

Exclusive: McConnell Frets about Healthcare, Hopeful on Tax Overhaul
Reuters | 24 May 2017
Pushing the Pig Through the Snake…

Fidelity Is Mining Bitcoin, CEO Abigail Johnson Admits
Zero Hedge | 24 May 2017
Mr. Global’s Dream Come True…

Yuan Tumbles As Moody’s Downgrades China To A1, Warns On Worsening Debt Outlook
Zero Hedge | 24 May 2017
Chinese Currency Woes…

One Easy Way to Boost your Child’s Financial Abilities
CNBC | 24 May 2017
Financial Literacy Tips…

Opinion: Trump’s Mad-Genius Budget Cuts the Bloat that’s Strangling Us
Market Watch | 23 May 2017
Belt Tightening..

U.S. Plan to Sell Oil Reserves Undermines OPEC Supply Management Efforts
Reuters | 23 May 2017
Day after…

Greece Fails to Reach Bailout Deal with Eurozone Finance Ministers
RT | 23 May 2017
The Harvest Continues…

Biggest Subprime Auto Lender Skipped Income Verification On 92% Of Auto Loans
Zero Hedge | 22 May 2017
Roughly 8% of the loans…

Oil Pique Continues
Linked In | 22 May 2017
“The pour will be with…”

Sorry, We’re Closed The Decline of Established American Retailing Threatens Jobs
The Economist | 11 May 2017
Serious Changes are Afoot…

The 5 Star Market Generals may be Leading Us into Harms Way!
Matasii | 16 May 2017
Greatly increases the markets risk to…