Food & Health – Week of 03.26.17

Forget ObamaCare, RyanCare, and any Future ReformCare–the Healthcare System Is Completely Broken
Charles Hugh Smith | 26 March 2017
Health Care needs an E.R..

Bernie Sanders Wants to Expand Medicare to Everybody — Exactly What Its Architects Wanted
The Intercept | 31 March 2017
Medicare for….

New Law Means You Could be the Subject of a Vaccine or Medication Experiment Without Your Informed Consent (VIDEO)
Blacklisted News | 31 March 2017

Miscarriage of Justice’: Jailed Hacktivist & His Wife Share their Plight
RT | 30 March 2017
Just about every international…

The Truth About Vaccines
Truth About Vaccines| 30 March 2017
Experts Unite To Inform Parents: April 12 Series by email sign up…

Quadriplegic Man’s Arm and Hand Brought Back to Life by Thought-Control Tech
New Sky | 29 March 2017
Paralysis Tech Breakthrough…

Trump Says He Expects a Health Care Deal Soon
Hosted AP | 28 March 2017
ACA Replacement part two…

Market Rejection of GMOs Grows — Four-Year Plan to Topple Toxic Agriculture
Mercola | 26 March 2017
40 percent of Americans still…

Lead Poisoning In “Dozens Of California Communities” Worse Than Flint, Michigan
Zero Hedge | 22 March 2017
Reuters found at least 29…

Freedom Taker
Freedom Taker | March 2017

Local: Prosperous Homesteading
Club Orlov | 21 February 2017
Alternative…that actually…

Local: Science Policy and Advocacy: Federal Funding Data of NIH, NSF,USDA,DOE Science
FASEB | 31 March 2017
State Map by district funding…