Food & Health – Week of 01.29.17

Deeper Roots: Urban Roots’ Food & Leadership Fellowship
Edible Austin | 30 January 2017
(Local) Create better access to sustainable…

School Food Gets Real
Edible Austin | 21 January 2017
(Local) Cafeteria food conjures…

Woman Chose a Cross-Country Vacation Over Cancer Treatment
Everplans | 31 January 2017
Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.~ Rumi

New Bought Documentary Exposes Ugly Truth Behind Vaccines, GMO’s and Big Pharma…
Bought Movie | 29 January 2017
Free viewing through February 9, 2017. Life-changing film – Dr. Wayne Dyer…

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: Mercury & Vaccines
Johnny Delirious | 29 January 2017
Active toxic heavy metals…

Secretary Pritzker Declares Fisheries Disasters for Nine West Coast Species
NOAA | 19 January 2017
List in Alaska, California and…