“It’s truly astonishing that some guy hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy is doing more for TRUTH in this election than all the American press.”
– James Woods
“Can’t we just drone this guy?”
– Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggesting a way to silence Julian Assange
For almost five years, Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, has lived in a tiny space in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, evading a sexual assault and rape charge trumped up by Sweden at the behest of the Americans.
Assange founded Wikileaks in 2006 and came to prominence in 2010 when WikiLeaks published a series of leaks, allegedly provided by Chelsea Manning on the Afghanistan and Iraq war.Throughout 2016, Assange and Wikileaks provided a steady flow of leaked documents related to the US Presidential campaign:
- In July, e-mails to and from US Secretary of State Clinton, including personal server e-mails related to the war in Iraq.
- In July, e-mails of Democratic National Committee (DNC) personnel.
- In October, WikiLeaks began a steady release of e-mails of John Podesta, Clinton’s
campaign manager.
Assange maintained his composure under extraordinary stress – pressure by Swedish enforcement, the apparent “suiciding” of his attorney, a cat burglar discovered on the walls of the Ecuadorian Embassy, and loss of Internet access, among other assaults.
His most endearing act was to offer a reward of $20,000 for information leading to the conviction of the murderer of Seth Rich, a DNC staffer assassinated two weeks prior to Wikileaks posting of the DNC e-mails. If you think transparency upsets the DC establishment, wait until you see what removing assassination as a tool of statecraft will do. Expect a lot more from Wikileaks in 2017. Who is sitting on more explosive material on the DC establishment? Is it Wikileaks or NYPD and NY FBI who have a copy of the contents of Anthony Weiner’s laptop? With Vladimir Putin using pedophilia as an example of Western corruption in his Christmas 2016 message, the DC establishment is feeling its fair share of terror. Polls regarding the credibility of Wikileaks vs. the American media and intelligence agencies show Wikileaks holding a commanding lead going into 2017. Latest development: Wikileaks has stated on Twitter that “If Obama grants Manning clemency Assange will agree to US extradition despite clear unconstitutionality of DoJ (US Department of Justice) case.”