Geopolitical – Week of 12.24.17

2018 – war or no war?
The Saker | 29 December 2017

War w/o End Amen Game Plan…

Roy Moore Lawsuit Proves Election Fraud in AL Senate Race
Info Wars | 29 December 2017

New York Governor Questions the Constitutionality of Federal Tax Overhaul
Reuters | 28 December 2017
“Politics does not trump the law”…

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Support Gavs Work: Why Support Us?
Call Me Gav | Decmeber 2017
Your support…Like the official BUNDY documentary.

The Secret Backstory of How Obama Let Hezbollah Off the Hook
Politico | December 2017
Everywhere and nowhere…

Nikki Haley negotiates $285M cut in ‘bloated’ UN budget
NY Post| 25 December 2017

De Facto Travel Restrictions Now Exist For Americans
Information Clearing House | 24 December 2017
Principled opposition to…

Corruption is Legal in America

You Tube | 30 April 2015
From 2015…University study reported…

NBC Local Crew Stumbles Across FEMA Camp in NY – Threatened, Chased by Gov’t Contractors
21st Century Wire | 03 November 2013

YouTube | 29 July 2014
Grant spent his final…