Science & Technology – Week of 11.26.17

The Collapse of Media and What You Can Do About It
Counterpunch | 01 December 2017
Break down for you the source of…

Graphene: This could be a Free Energy Breakthrough
Revolution Green | 02 December 2017
Only capable of moving in…

Brain Changes Found in Teens with Smartphones, Internet Addiction
Smart Brief | 01 December 2017
Neurotransmitter that inhibits brain…

Facebook’s New Suicide Detection A.I. Could Put Innocent People Behind Bars
Renegade Tribune | 01 December 2017
Have troubling suicidal…

Go Local: Rural America Is Building High-Speed Internet the Same Way It Built Electricity in the 1930s
Motherboard | 01 December 2017
Uniquely well positioned to…

Is Someone Killing Our UFO Investigators?
Biblio Tecaplayades | December 2017
From 1997, Ph. G. Cope Schellhorn…

Clouds, Bloackchains, Hackers, Neuromorphic Chips, An Emergent…
Giza Death Star | 30 November 2017
Emergence of this “really deep”…

Chinese Satellite Closes in on Dark Matter Mystery
Space Daily | 30 November 2017
Data may cast light on…

What Actually Happens the Day Net Neutrality Is Repealed
Gizmodo | 29 November 2017
Migrating to…

Microsoft and IOTA Launch First Cryptocurrency Market for the Internet of Things
The Next Web | 28 November 2017
Countless nodes in order to ensure…

Facebook’s New Captcha Test: ‘Upload A Clear Photo of Your Face’
Wired | 28 November 2017
Prove you’re not a…

Bill Gates given one of China’s highest academic honours
South China Morning Post | 27 November 2018

Undercover at Amazon: Exhausted Humans are Inefficient so Robots are Taking Over
Mirror | 27 November 2017
Least efficient part…

The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All
American 4 Innovation | 22 November 2017
Carved up the…