Food & Health – Week of 08.20.17

British Supermarkets Knocked after Amazon Slashes Prices at Whole Foods
Telegraph | 25 August 2017
Heaviest faller losing…

4 Changes at Whole Foods that Amazon Hasn’t Told Us About
Supermarket News | 25 August 2017
No matter who…

Amazon’s Whole Foods Vision: ‘Affordable for Everyone’
Supermarket News | 24 August 2017
Integration under…

Whole Foods Shareholders Approve $13.7bn Amazon Deal
Retail Week | 23 August 2017

UK Supermarket ‘May Have Infected Thousands’ with Hepatitis E from Pork Products, Officials Warn
UK Yahoo | 23 August 2017
Mainly Holland and Germany…

This golf Course is Being Converted into a Residential Olive Grove
Yahoo | 22 August 2017
50 different agrihoods…

Bayer-Monsanto Deal Faces Deeper Scrutiny in Europe
NY Times | 22 August 2017

Bernie Sanders: Why Medicare-for-All Is Good for Business
Fortune | 21 August 2017
Largely designed…to make maximum profits for…

The Life Force of Plants Can Heal Us
Johnny Delirious | 20 August 2017
Habits that helped me heal. First…

Vaccine Disasters Governments Want You to Forget
Jon Rappoport | 18 August 2017
Who is crazy…

FDA Casts Doubt on Safety of Impossible Burger’s Key GMO Ingredient
Huffington Post | 11 August 2017

DIY Certification Guide: Identifying Authentic Produce and Ethical Farmers at the Market
Cornucopia | 28 June 2017
Right questions…

Kerosene – a Universal Healer
Health Science Spirit | August 2017
Most widespread in…

Metals Debris Found in Vaccine Supply
Ecowatch | 22 February 2017
Slew of mysterious adverse…

Grocery Goliaths: How Food Monopolies Impact Consumers
Food and Water Watch | December 2012
Executive summary…