3 Hellacious Questions for Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

by: Jon Rappoport

Dear Don,

ONE: When are you going to admit you fronted for, and pushed, the high-speed release of DEVASTATING COVID vaccines that are injuring and killing huge numbers of people all over the world?

You’re going admit it NEVER, right? You’re still faking it with blue-sky sales hype—you “saved hundreds of millions of lives.”

Sure you did. In your fantasy bubble.

TWO: When are you going to admit you stepped aside and appointed that little pipsqueak freakazoid Tony Fauci interim President of the United States and sat in a corner and sucked your thumb and allowed him to lock down the whole country and LAY WASTE to the economy?

The ECONOMY—which was your supposed key contribution as President.

And don’t pretend the economy magically recovered after the lockdowns were finally ended. The catastrophic effects are still BURNING. The fire is nowhere close to being put out.

Take a look at what’s happening to the commercial real estate market right now. You know something about commercial real estate, don’t you, Don?

THREE: What the hell happened when you were a day away from declaring the Mexican drug cartels terrorist groups—and then backed off?

Big talk, lots of bullshit, but no action.

Need I remind you that the cartels are humping millions of doses of the chemical warfare called fentanyl up through the southern border and killing and addicting millions of Americans?

The border—which you never did shut down.

Well, Don, I’ll tell you what happened. You met with Mex President Obrador, and came away deciding you wouldn’t declare the cartels terrorist organizations, after all.

You said you liked Obrador and could work together with him on the cartel problem.

What a load of crap that was, Don. Because, as you know, his stated and declared policy toward the cartels was and is: HUGS, NOT BULLETS.

That’s right. That’s precisely what the man said. Publicly.

Which amounts to a confession that he’s presiding over a failed Narco-State. Presiding, standing down, surrendering.

—Funny thing, Don. Your horrific positions on the vaccine, the economy, and the Mex cartels—they EXACTLY MATCHED the positions of the LEFTIST press and the LEFTIST federal bureaucracy.

That’s a brain-stunner, isn’t it, Don?

I mean, isn’t anybody SEEING THAT?

I’m sure you are.

Unless your preoccupation with building yourself up by making promises you’ll never keep is taking every waking minute of every day, and you have no time for…what’s it called?




As in, “What the fuck did I do to end up here?”

— Jon Rappoport

See original article here.

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