The Plunder of Private Equity Billionaires

Claire Viadro
July 23, 2024

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Proposals are now circulating in Washington to radically increase the privatization of the U.S. federal government and its programs. If past is prologue, such proposals may not be implemented with sound terms and conditions or at market prices, but as forms of “piratization” that richly reward the private equity industry and further central control.

Is the billionaire club about to extract another pound of flesh that could destroy America? It’s time to consider what we should do to stop the plunder and the move to central control. This week, the Solari Report publishes two book reviews to help you understand what is happening and take immediate action. I have added an editorial comment to provide some additional thoughts after you have read the reviews.

Related Reading:

How “Project 2025” could change Medicare

Pharma Food – Biotech on Your Plate: The Next Chapter in Big Money’s Battle to End Food Sovereignty

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