Take Action - 3rd Quarter 2019

July 1, 2019

Latest Solari Donation
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)
Stand up and be counted! It’s your health, your family and your choice

Network for Good NVIC | 28 September 2019

Latest Catherine Austin Fitts Donation
Donate: Dr. Shiva: Serve America. Serve One-Term. 100% for You. Scientist, Inventor, Statesman
Shiva 4 Senate | 27 September 2019

State-by-State Guide to Taxes
Time to review alternate locations for tax risk

Latest Solari Subscription
Citizens For Free Speech Founded To Fight Censorship
Citizens for Free Speech | 24 September 2019

Farm Careers Are Sprouting in Central Texas
Austin Chronicle | 13 September 2019

Next Solari Donation
Donation: International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
5G Space Appeal | 20 September 2019

Is Your Family Prepared? Use Tools that work for you: Texans for Vaccine Choice Action Plan
TFVC | 20 September 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Legendary Energy Executive, Entrepreneur T. Boone Pickens Dies at 91 (Donating information at end of obituary)
Boone Pickens | 11 September 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Pamela Anderson Foundation Donation
Pamela Anderson Foundation | 11 September 2019

The Strong America Tour Starts this Week
Strong Towns | 09 September 2019

Join us for (free) Encore Weekend on September 7-8!
5G Summit | 07 September 2019

Next Solari Donation
Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, Donate
Paul Craig Roberts | 06 September 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Click on the Donate button below to give any amount to Tim and Sandy and their missions work. They provide relief for refugees in Greece and other European countries
Alleghany Grace | 29 August 2019

Building 7 Study Release and Visit to Washington with the Franklin Square Fire Commissioners
Remember: Give by August 31st to have your gift DOUBLED up to $5,000. Donate $25 or more and receive a postcard! Your small investment, multiplied by thousands of fellow supporters, is how we make the difference

AE911Truth | 28 August 2019

#Kill the Bill: SB276 Violates All Rights! Act NOW
to preserve the freedom of medically fragile children and ALL children

The NHF | 27 August 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Help A Kiwi Journalist Take On The Spies – #1vs5i
One Woman Is Taking On Corrupt Power And Needs Your Help To Continue… Suzie Dawson

Go Get Funding | 24 August 2019

What’s Wrong With This Picture?
Strongtowns | 22 August 2019

How to Live Without Google
Spread Privacy | 14 September 2017

Giant 5G Drones in Hawaii Skies? Pushback is Growing…
Take Your Power Back | 22 August 2019

Sign the Petition at Bottom of Page:No 4G/5G Drones in Maui Skies!
Keep Your Power | 20 August 2019

Giant 5G Drones in Maui Skies?

Dr Debra Greene | 19 August 2019

Privacy Mythbusting #6: Security equals privacy (Nope!)
Checked the terms of use of your anti-virus software lately?

(GoDuckDuck) Spreadprivacy | 25 July 2017

SAVE YOUR FREE SPOT for The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit — Aug 26 to Sept 1, 2019 and
Dr. Debra Greene uncovers a crazy development in Hawaii, in her 4-min video, and
Sign the petition (located on right sidebar) to help stop the 5G drone development in Hawaii

Take Back Your Power | 21 August 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Membership:From now until August 31, 2019, take advantage of awesome discounts for new Oath Keepers memberships and upgrades of current memberships and have a chance to win a great backup pistol or revolver and other prizes
Oathkeepers | 20 August 2019

Gun Legislation on Coast to Coast AM August 20 PM
First Half:President of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes will discussproposed universal background checks for gun ownership, proposed red flag legislation which would allow widespread gun confiscation orders

Coast to Coast AM | 20 August 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Donate: Challenging Thought Crime: HarryTheOwl v The College of Policing
Crowd Justice | 19 August 2019

5G Crisis: Take Action Tuesday – The Neighborhood Antenna Pledge Tool Kit OTARD Neighborhood Letter and Neighborhood Antenna Pledge
Americans For Responsible Tech | 12 August 2019

Sample state legislation establishing a commission to evaluate the environmental and health effects of the deployment of 5G wireless technology
Americans For Responsible Tech | 09 August 2019

National Farmers Market Week Aug. 4-10, 2019
NFMC | 08 August 2019

Latest Solari Monthly Patronage
Investigative Journalist Corey Lynn: With your help, I can continue to do my deep dive investigations and expose the webs that no one else is exposing
Patreon Coreys Digs | 15 August 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Support independent journalism by supporting Corey’s Digs investigative reports and resources. Thank you!
Coreys Digs | 02 August 2019

Locate Your Local Your Farmers Markets
Local Harvest | 07 August 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Win the big battles for your gun rights. Give to NRA
NRA | 07 August 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms
JPFO | 07 August 2019

Blast from the past
Catherine Austin Fitts: What can anyone do? A lot!
Gata | 27 April 2008

Food Resilience Action for Family and Community: Storage Methods and Tools
Food Solari | 02 August 2019

Think like a pioneer: When prepping your stockpile, remember the old ways
Natural news| 17 July 2019

Home canning or bottling, also known colloquially as putting up or processing
Wikipedia | 02 August 2019

USDA Fact Sheets from Safe Food Handling, Preparation, … to Thermometers
USDA| 02 August 2019

20 Items to Kick Start Your Food Storage Plan
Back Door Survival | 22 December 2017

Using the LDS Cannery (aka Home Storage Centers)
Prepared Housewives | 2019

Canning Jar | How To Guide To Canning
Survival Life | 02 August 2019

How to Freeze Dry Food with and without a Machine
Morning Chores | 2019

12 Food Preservation Methods to Make Your Food & Harvest Last Longer
Morning Chores | 2019

Guide to Frozen Food Storage & Freezer Shelf Life
Cooksmarts | 13 February 2019

Freezing and Food Safety, USDA
USDA | 02 August 2019

Latest Catherine Donation
Contributions to Congressman Thomas Massie for Congress: Donate
Thomas Massie | 27 July 2019

5G Crisis:
Questions and Answers about the July 27th National Day of Action

5G Crisis | 21 July 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Make The QTR Podcast Daily, Fight Censorship by Christopher Irons: Donation Request
Go Fund Me | 26 June 2019

Amazing! Stay Cool With This Solar Powered Air Cooler! [DIY]
Survival Life | 25 May 2018

Latest Solari Donation
Targeted Justice: We need your support. How to Donate
Targeted Justice | 21 July 2019

USDA Hardiness Zone Finder
National Gardening Assoc | 20 July 2019

National Gardening Survey: Horticultural Business Information NetworkNational Gardening Survey is the comprehensive market research report that leaders in the lawn and garden business count on each year to track the market and help them make strategic marketing decisions
TX A&M Agri Life Ext | 20 July 2019

Food Resilience Action for Family and Community: Storage Strategy
Food Solari | 25 July 2019

Prepared Housewives: Offers no frills planning and how to instructions with tools
Prepared Housewives | 25 July 2019

20 Items to Kick Start Your Food Storage Plan
Backdoor Survival | 25 July 2019

The Organic Prepper
The Organic Prepper | 25 July 2019

Using the LDS Cannery (aka Home Storage Centers)
Prepared housewives| 25 July 2019

Guide to Frozen Food Storage & Freezer Shelf Life
Cooksmarts| 25 July 2019

Freezing and Food Safety, USDA
USDA | 25 July 2019

Food Resilience Action for Family and Community: Organizations
Food Solari | 16 July 2019

Flooding and Food Safety: A Two-Part Plan for Extreme Weather Season
Food Safety Tech | 01 July 2019

August 2017Baltimore Food System Resilience Advisory Report
Johns Hopkins | 01 June 2017

USDA Food Defense Overview
US Department of Agriculture | 15 July 2019

Food Series Articles: Food Resilience Action for Family and Community

Growing Indoor Citrus
Edible Austin | 01 January 2019

Embracing Local: Connecting With Our Roots
Edible Austin | 01 November 2018

From Ranch to Market – Our Farmers Market Process

Pete Kanaris GreenDreamsFL | 05 March 2019

Growing & Foraging 100% of His Food Without Land of his own: 1-Year Challenge w/ Rob Greenfield
Pete Kanaris GreenDreamsFL | 04 April 2019

Latest Solari Patron
Cassie Jaye is creating Documentary Films: Support by subscription- Example:Meeting the Enemy: A feminist comes to terms with the Men’s Rights movement | Cassie Jaye | TEDxMarin

Patreon Cassie Jaye | 11 July 2019

Latest Solari Donation
National Association for Gun Rights: We are working around the clock to fight back against the anti-gun onslaught by gun-grabbing politicians in Congress and state capitols nationwide. So I hope I can I count on you to make a generous contribution to the fight today I hope you’ll give generously. But even if you can only afford to chip in $35 or $20, every little bit helps
NAGR | 11 July 2019

Latest Solari Membership
Dr. Peter Breggin’s Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, Education & Living – Bring Out the Best In Yourself!
Empathic Therapy | 11 July 2019

Latest Solari Donation
At a Loss – Joe Hagman Passes Away at 36 (DOUGLAS J. HAGMANN makes a brief and moving statement)

Hagmann Report | 01 July 2019

Latest Solari Donation
The National Health Federation: Before you head out the door this weekend to celebrate freedom, Why don’t you support it?
TNHF | 05 July 2019

Two easy ways to join the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund:Become a Member
Farm to Consumer | 11 July 2019

How to Build an Instant Garden

Geoff Lawton: Permaculture Online | 22 February 2016

How to Build an Instant Garden
Geoff Lawton: Permaculture Online | 22 February 2016

Meet the Farmers Reclaiming Puerto Rico’s Agricultural History
Civil Eats | 05 July 2019

After 6-Year Battle, Florida Couple Wins The Right To Plant Veggies In Front Yard
NPR | 02 July 2019

Joel Salatin Polyface Farms
Polyface Farms | 01 July 2019

Wise Traditions podcast #180 Joel Salatin tells all

Wise Traditions | 25 March 2019

Food Resilience Action for Family and Community: Gardening
Solari | 05 July 2019

Arnold’s Way Video: My first experience with organic gardening

Subscriber’s signed into library: From Permaculture to Profits – Solari Report March 2010
Starting at minute 25:50 We talk with Eric Toensmeier about permaculture and how it can help you build wealth – whether improving the fertility of your home and landscape, your child’s school or local community or creating new opportunities for local business and investment

Solari Library | March 2010

Eric Toensmeier, author of Perennial Vegetables, tours his perennial root crop

Chelsea Green Publishing | 25 November 2008

Permaculture is a set of design principles centered around whole systems thinking simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems
Wikipedia | 05 July 2019

Video, Green is the New Silver (Lining):Crisis, Hope and Permaculture
Discover Permaculture | 2019

How to Start an Organic Garden
Wikihow | 2019

Seed Swap in the Ozarks – Feature Length Documentary
Media Satchel | 05 March 2015

TED Talks Pam Warhurst: How we can eat our landscape
TEDSalon London Spring 2012 | May 2012

How to Build a High-Tunnel Greenhouse
This Old House | 20 August 2016

Your state has agriculture and gardening resources tailored to your area-One Search: Hundreds of Cooperative Extension Sites
One Search: Hundreds of Cooperative Extension Sites | July 2019

Sustainable Food Center: Non profit teaching and inspiring fresh food resilience locally
SFC | 01 July

Farm to Work is an employee wellness and Farm Direct marketing project that connects local farmers with employees at partner worksites
SFC | 01 July 2019

Time to Plant Summer Tomatoes!
SFC | 05 July 2019

Video: Greening the Desert
Permares | 03 February 2007

Permaculture Research Institute
PRI | 05 July

Latest Solari Donation
Thunderbird: We’re the leading open source cross-platform email and calendaring client, free for business and personal use. By donating you’ll help ensure it stays that way and contribute towards future development. Will you give today?
Mozilla | 02 July 2019

Example Building Fresh Food Culture Locally: It’s the summertime and Food Access programming is still in full swing!
Sustainable Food Center | 18 June 2019

Planning for a Central( Texas ) Food Hub
This project proposes to analyze the local supply, demand, and existing assets – with robust producer and consumer input – in order to inform the feasibility of a sustainable business model

SFC | January 2019

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