New Media Syndicate

Solari’s recommended New Media link list.

New Media | Journalist & Platform Name
Abigail Shrier | The Truth Fairy
Arno Wellens
Asha Logos LS
blckbx tv | Netherlands
Blue Tiger (de Blauwe Tiger)
Café Weltschmerz
Celia Farber
Charles Hugh Smith: Of Two Minds
Children’s Health Defense | CHD TV
Children’s Health Defense | The Defender
Children’s Health Defense Europe
Chuck Marohn | Strong Towns
CJ Hopkins’ Official Website | Consent Factory, Inc.
Corey’s Digs
Dr. Naomi Wolf | DAILYCLOUT
Dark Journalist
David Knight Show
Door to Freedom
David Thomas | Southern Patriot Network
De Andere Krant
Derrick Broze | The Last American Vagabond
Doctors for Covid Ethics
Dr. Peter Breggin
Elze van Hamelen | Sustainable Solutions
Gigi Young
Giza Death Star: Giza Community and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
Greg Hunter | USA Watchdog
James Corbett | The Corbett Report
Jeremy Nell | Jerm Warfare
Jerry Day | Freedom Taker
Jesse’s Café Américain
John Laughland | International Forum for Democracy
John Titus | BestEvidence (at Bitchute)
John Titus | BestEvidence (at YouTube)
Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News | Substack
Josh Del Sol | Take Back Your Power
Katherine Watt | Bailiwick News
Kelly O'Meara | Don't Ask That Question!
Kit Knightly | Off-Guardian
Kristina Borjesson | Whistleblower Newsroom
Lyn Alden
Mark Crispin Miller
Mark Skidmore PhD | Lighthouse Economics
Matt Taibbi | Racket News
Michael H. Shuman | Commentary on Community Economics
Meryl Nass | Meryl's COVID Newsletter
Mish Talk
Patrick Wood | Technocracy News & Trends | Citizens for Free Speech
Planet Lockdown Film
Polly's Place | The Autism Trust
Professor Richard Werner
Rambus Chartology
Richard Dolan Members
Ryan Cristián | Last American Vagabond
Ryland Media
Sasha Latypova | Due Diligence & Art
Sharyl Attkisson
Sofia Smallstorm | About the Sky
Suspicious Observers
Swiss Policy Research
Taylor Hudak | The Last American Vagabond
The Conservative Treehouse | The Last Refuge
The Kim Iversen Show
The Market Ticker
The Moneychanger
The Print India
The Saker
Truthstream Media
UK Column News
Voltaire Network
Wall Street on Parade
Whitley Strieber | Unknown Country
Whitney Webb | Unlimited Hangout
xe.Com - The Worlds Trusted Currency Authority



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