“They have declared that nitrogen is the major problem, well I’m an expert in nitrogen, and I dare to say; it is not.” ~ Emeritus Professor Han Lindeboom, environmental scientist
“Holland is in trouble.” ~Nitrogen 2000
Solari subscribers are no strangers to the challenges currently confronting Dutch farmers and fishermen—examined at length in our 2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up and via the revealing interviews with farmers and fishermen that accompanied the Wrap Up.
Now, we strongly encourage you to view Nitrogen 2000, the new crowdfunded documentary by James Patrick (of Big Picture), the director of Planet Lockdown. This thought-provoking, 45-minute film sheds light on the pressing issues faced by Dutch cattle farmers, featuring insights from experts, members of parliament, and the farmers themselves. The Dutch government’s assertion that nitrogen emissions from livestock are excessively high has led to heavy regulations on these farms, resulting in a significant number of farmers being forced out of business with no opportunity to farm within Europe again.
The message conveyed by the government to the public is that current farming practices pose an environmental threat, necessitating a drastic reduction in “emissions” to combat climate change. As Dutch politician Wybren van Haga has stated, “Once the people are frightened, you can do whatever you want with them.” Nitrogen 2000 seeks to “get to the bottom of the story,” asking, “Surely if it were truly about nitrogen other solutions could be found than disenfranchising the most efficient farmers on the planet.”
Support James Patrick and Big Picture in their endeavor to continue creating significant documentaries. In the current Big Picture pipeline are CBDC: The End of Money and Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Irish Farmers’ Struggle.
Watch the trailer and film (available in 6 languages).
Related Solari Reports:
2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: The People Who Feed Us with Elze van Hamelen
2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: The People Who Feed Us with Jeroen van Maanen
2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: The People Who Feed Us with Jurie Post
2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: The People Who Feed Us with Peke Wouda
views: 18