Food & Health - 2nd Quarter 2018

April 1, 2018

US Charges Over 600 “Despicable, Greedy People” In Multi-Billion Dollar Healthcare Fraud
Zero Hedge | 29 June 2018

Vaccine Rights Attorney Mails Notice of BAR MISCONDUCT to 30,000+ NC Attorneys
Mail Chimp | 26 June 2018
Latest Solari Donation
Breaking News: State Bar Sues leading Vaccine Rights Attorney in Classic Witch Hunt
Mailchimp | 20 June 2018
and note Petitions available
Vax Rights Atty Legal Defense Fund
Go Fund Me | 20 June 2018

Amazon just bought a tiny startup most people have never heard of, and it’s scaring the heck out of pharmacy shareholders
Business Insider | 28 June 2018

Spend the Day with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Tour the Kennedy Compound and Enjoy Sailing Off Hyannis Port, MA
Charity Buzz | June 2018

Farmers in America are killing themselves in staggering numbers
CBS News | 26 June 2018

Corbett Report: Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell
YouTube | 23 June 2018

Amazon, Berkshire, JPMorgan name Atul Gawande CEO of healthcare venture
Reuters | 20 June 2018

Declining IQ: A Race to the Bottom?
World Mercury Project | 19 June 2018

It’s Not New: Pictures Show The Fight Against Vaccines Is Well Over 100 Years Old
Collective Evolution | 16 June 2018

Latest Solari Renewal
Become a Member: Two easy ways to join the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund:
Farm to Consumer | June 2018

Tyson Foods introduces snack brand made from food waste
Food Business News | 31 May 2018

IRT’s HIGH IMPACT Video Project will deliver the truth to a new generation

YouTube | 31 May 2018

Latest Solari Donation
Donate to High Impact IRT Video Project
IRT | May 2018

Healing from GMOs and Roundup online conference starting July 17th, 2018
IRT | June 2018

America’s Largest Private Company Reboots a 153-Year-Old Strategy
Bloomberg | 07 June 2018

Suicide Rates Increase in Nearly All States
Live Science | 07June 2018

California to Fine Citizens Using Over 55 Gallons of Water as Nestlé Pumps Billions of Gallons for Free
The Free Thought Project | 06 June 2018

Chicago to Get 2 Amazon Go Stores
Progressive Grocer | 06 June 2018

Trump signs law to expand health care choices for veterans, reform VA
Washington Times | 06 June 2018

Whole Foods Quietly Halts GMO Labeling Requirements
Natural Blaze | 30 May 2018

Trump signs ‘Right to Try,’ says it will save ‘tremendous number of lives’
Fox News | 30 May 2018

Bayer wins U.S. nod for Monsanto deal to create agriculture giant
Reuters | 29 May 2018

Bayer wins U.S. nod for Monsanto deal to create agriculture giant
Reuters | 29 May 2018

New Zealand Plans to Kill About 150,000 Cows to Eradicate a Bovine Bacterial Disease
Time | 28 May 2018

The Lawsuit That Could End Water Fluoridation in the US
Mercola | 26 May 2018

US Fertility Rates Have Plummeted Into Uncharted Territory, And Nobody Knows Why
Science Alert | 21 May 2018

Crisis on the High Plains: The Loss of America’s Largest Aquifer – the Ogallala
Duwater Law Review | 17 May 2018

US healthcare again ranked worst in developed world
Undernews | 16 May 2018

Vermont legalizes importing drugs from Canada
Undernews | 16 May 2018

Stop GMO Mosquitoes in Texas and Florida
GMO Free Newsletter | 14 May 2018

Tell the EPA NO Genetically Modified Mosquitoes! | May 2018

EPA has re-opened the public comment period on the proposed release of these GMO mosquitoes until June 07, 2018. | April 2018

Welcome to the Vaxxed FREE 7 Day Screening Event!
The full feature film documentary is FREE to watch until May 17 at noon PST

Vaxxed the Movie |May 2018

Takeda Buys Shire For $62 Billion Creating Top 10 Pharma Giant
Zero Hedge | 08 May 2018

Vitamin D
Medium | 14 March 2018

Shop Around for Surgery? Colorado May Soon Encourage It
WSJ | 08 May 2018
WSJ Subscription…

Why Aren’t Millenials Having Sex?
YouTube | 07 May 2018

In Blow to Monsanto, India’s Top Court Upholds Decision that Seeds Cannot be Patented
Asia Pacific Research | 07 May 2018

Watch This Full Interview With Jeffrey Smith, From the 9-Part Documentary, The Human Longevity Project!
Longevity Film | 07 May 2018

USA Seeks 1,000,000 People to Volunteer their DNA
Giza Death Star | 06 May 2018

National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard: A Proposed Rule by the Agricultural Marketing Service on 05/04/2018
Federal Register | 04 May 2018
Proposing….entities that label foods for….

Dark Side of Computers, Smart Phones and Tablets: Blue Light Causes Cancer, Ruins Your Eyes and Makes You Toss and Turn at Night
Washingtons Blog | 03 May 2018

Africa struggles for weapons against armyworm curse
Yahoo | 03 May 2018

Mobile phone cancer warning as malignant brain tumours double
Telegraph | 02 May 2018

Human Vaccine Inserts and Vaccine Information: 2017
Vac Truth | 2017

Biohacker CEO Aaron Traywick, Montevallo grad, found dead
Alabama Business | 01 May 2018

CDC Still Paralyzed by Autism Epidemic: Report Shows One in 59 Children in the US Now Affected
World Mercury Project | 27 April 2018

Cooltan Tan through Shirts and Swimwear
Tan Through | 28 April 2018

EU agrees total ban on bee-harming pesticides
The Guardian | 27 April 2018

Artificial intelligence could revolutionize farming industry

YouTube | 24 April 2018

Latest Solari Donation
The National Health Federation: Notice to members and Website Visitors
The NHF | April 2018
Hacked…Fundraiser for new site…

The National Health Federation UK
The NHF UK | April 2018

New Blood Pressure Guidelines Will Kill Millions More
Prevent Disease | 20 April 2018

How Google Plans To Use AI To Reinvent The $3 Trillion US Healthcare Industry
CB Insights | 19 April 2018

Huge drug (pharma) money changes hands in high-level financial deals—why?
Jon Rappoport | 19 April 2018

2015: Why nobody knows what’s really going into your food

YouTube | 13 April 2015

This company wants to build a giant indoor farm next to every major city in the world
Vox | 11 April 2018

Four-hour drive for a colonoscopy? What VA privatization warnings ignore
USA Today | 17 April 2018

India: Monsanto loses right to patent seeds
Daily Pioneer | 17 April 2018

Four-hour drive for a colonoscopy? What VA privatization warnings ignore
USA Today | 17 April 2018

Trump’s New Obamacare Rules Give States More Power. Will They Take It?
Governing | 12 April 2018

Anti-GMO Mosquito Activist in DC to Deliver Petition to EPA Found Floating Dead in Hotel Pool
The Free Thought Project | 12 April 2018

Body of Dr Timothy Cunningham Found
Giza Death Star | 10 April 2018

#Crazy Mothers: As a Mother of a Vaccine Injured Child
Facebook | 09 April 2018

India’s Big Brother: Fingerprint And Eye-Scans Required For Food And Medicine
Zero Hedge | 09 April 2018

The Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is Bad News for the Planet
OP Ed News | 05 April 2018

The next huge GMO crime is here
Jon Rappoport | 02 April 2018

HPV Vaccine Gardasil Kills: Confirmed By Court Ruling
Activist Post | 02 April 2018

I’ll Have The Cancer Please, Sir
Zero Hedge | 01 April 2018

Mitochondria: Why Your Cells’ Functioning – And Not Genetics – Determine Disease
Nature Builds Health | 01 April 2018

I Am Water
YouTube | 31 March 2018

Crispr’d Food, Coming Soon to a Supermarket Near You
Wired | 30 March 2018

China’s Hitting the U.S. Where It Hurts: In the Pork Belly
Bloomberg | 22 March 2018

The Magic Pill – Trailer: What if most modern diseases are really just symptoms of the same problem?
YouTube | 2018

YouTube | 05 February 2018

Dr Joe Dispenza and Lynne McTaggart
YouTube | 30 November 2017

Tennessee becomes the fourth state to restrict the use of Monsanto herbicide
News Target | 27 October 2017

2017: FDA quietly bans powerful life-saving intravenous Vitamin C
Natural News | 01 February 2017
2013: 23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks
Scientific American | 27 November 2013

Neurontin and Lyrica are a Death Sentence for New Brain Synapses : Shocking Study
Fibro Women | 16 January 2018

What I’ve learned from my tally of 757 doctor suicides
Washington Post | 13 January 2018

Grassley Refers Planned Parenthood, Fetal Tissue Procurement Organizations to FBI, Justice Dept. for Investigation
Grassley | 13 December 2016
Note from 2016…

Go To: 1st Quarter

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